For more informati 1 Jenny is telling her mum what's in the kitchen
cupboard. Decide what she means.
We haven't got a lot of biscuits in the cupboard.
a There are some but not many biscuits.
b There aren't any biscuits.
There isn't much sugar.
a There's a lot of sugar.
b There's a little sugar.
There aren't many packets of crisps.
a There are a few packets of crisps.
b There are lots of packets of crisps.
There's a little coffee.
a The jar of coffee is very small.
b There's some coffee but not a lot.
There are a few tins of soup.
a There's a lot of soup.
b There's some soup but not lots.
Мне важно изучать английский язык, потому что в будущем у меня могут быть некоторые трудности. В будущем в школе многие предметы будут проводитьмя на английском языке. Яучу английский язык, для себя. Чтобы я могла жить спокойно не испытывая трудностей
It is important for me to learn English, because in the future I may have some difficulties. In the future at school, many subjects will be held in English. I learn English, for myself. So that I could live peacefully without any difficulties
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