Hey, Jack!
1 I’m very glad to hear from you! I understand that you are in a difficult situation because you have to go to school, do a lot of sport and even work part-time. You cannot get much sleep and your performance at school must be getting worse. You are asking me for advice, but I can only tell you what I think about the situation.
2 My parents tell me and I believe that education is the most important thing in our life at this stage. I don’t mean to say that our future entirely depends on the grades we get at school. However, the real knowledge, especially in the core subjects, such as maths, physics, chemistry and languages, matters a great deal in life. Although it is possible these days to earn good money from sport, there can’t be many professional softball players who are over thirty years of age. What will those people do for the rest of their lives? It’s a game for the young. Do you really have to work at the expense of your health and studies? I am sure that your parents will be more than happy to provide you with some pocket money.
3 In conclusion, I can’t tell you what to do with your life. If I were you, I would think long and hard about my priorities and try to sort them out. Personally, I would rather focus on my school work, doing a bit of sport four or five times a week. I wouldn’t go out to work, not until I’m qualified to do something really useful for society and interesting for me.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Спорт и развлечения на открытом воздухе
Мы часто занимаемся спортом в спортзале или спортивном
центре, но иногда мы делаем это на открытом воздухе, в
естественной среде. Спорт и развлечения
на открытом воздухе иногда являются соревновательными. Это означает, что мы делаем
их в гонке или соревновании, потому что хотим
выиграть приз. Отдых означает, что мы делаем их
, потому что они забавны.
Обычно мы занимаемся спортом на открытом воздухе в трех
разных местах на суше, в воздухе или в воде.
На суше можно заняться верховой ездой, катанием на горных велосипедах и
скалолазанием. Мы часто лазаем по горам или большим
скалам. Банджи-джампинг, парашютный спорт и парапланеризм
-это воздушные развлечения. Мы прыгаем с высоты, как
с моста, когда прыгаем на тарзанке. Гости могут заняться греблей на каноэ,
водными лыжами и виндсерфингом.
Мы катаемся на каноэ по рекам, катаемся на водных лыжах и
занимаемся виндсерфингом в море.
1.My brother played football.
2. We ate hamburgers.
3. My friends listened to KPOP.
4. I studying French.
5.My mom liked classical music.