Без категории

1.we, customers, the, quality, We, improve, to, constantly, seek, to, service, of, give, our 2. suffered, has, The, from, company, years, several, of, management, bad
3. public, government, The, trying, is, public, to, confidence, restore, in, the, its, management, of
4. manager, good, for, Organizational, a, ability, an, attribute , is, essential
5. skills, your, help, you, Improving, computer, can, work, find, higher-paid

1. We, as customers, constantly seek to improve the quality of service we receive.

Explanation: As customers, we always want the service we receive to be better. This means we are always looking for ways to make the service we get from businesses better. In other words, we want the businesses to give us better service.

Step-by-step solution:
1. "We" is the subject of the sentence, which refers to a group of people.
2. "Customers" is a noun that tells us which group of people we are talking about - the people who buy products and services from businesses.
3. "Constantly" is an adverb that means all the time or very frequently. It tells us how often the group of people described as "We" seeks to improve the quality of service they receive.
4. "Seek" is a verb that means to try to find or get something. In this case, it means that the group of people described as "We" are trying to find or get better quality service.
5. "To improve" is an infinitive verb phrase that explains what the group of people described as "We" are seeking. They are seeking to make the service they receive better in terms of quality.
6. "The quality of service" is a noun phrase that explains what aspect of service the group of people described as "We" are trying to improve. They want the quality of the service they receive to be better.
7. "We give" is a verb phrase that explains what the group of people described as "We" are doing. They are giving something.
8. "Our" is a possessive pronoun that shows that whatever the group of people described as "We" are giving belongs to them.
9. "Of service" is a prepositional phrase that explains what the group of people described as "We" are giving. They are giving something in terms of service.

2. The company has suffered from several years of bad management.

Explanation: The company has had a number of years in which the management was not good. This has caused problems or difficulties for the company.

Step-by-step solution:
1. "The company" is the subject of the sentence, which refers to a specific business organization.
2. "Has suffered" is a verb phrase that explains what has happened to the company.
3. "From" is a preposition that shows the cause or reason for the suffering.
4. "Several years" is a noun phrase that explains how long the suffering has been happening. It tells us that the suffering has been going on for more than one year.
5. "Of bad management" is a prepositional phrase that explains the cause or reason for the suffering. The suffering has been caused by or resulted from bad management.

3. The government is trying to restore public confidence in the management of the public.

Explanation: The government is making an effort to make people trust the way the public (or state) is managed.

Step-by-step solution:
1. "The government" is the subject of the sentence, which refers to the governing body or authority of a country or region.
2. "Is trying" is a verb phrase that explains what the government is doing. It tells us that the government is making an effort or attempt to do something.
3. "To restore" is an infinitive verb phrase that explains what the government is trying to do. They are trying to bring back or make something return to its original state.
4. "Public confidence" is a noun phrase that explains what the government is trying to restore. They want the public, which refers to the people in general, to have confidence or trust in something.
5. "In the management" is a prepositional phrase that explains what the public's confidence or trust is supposed to go or be directed towards. The public is supposed to have confidence or trust in the way something is managed.
6. "Of the public" is a prepositional phrase that further explains what is being managed. It tells us that the management is related to or concerned with something that belongs to or is related to the public.

4. The ability to be a good manager is an essential attribute for organizational success.

Explanation: It is crucial for a manager to be able to do a good job in order for an organization to be successful.

Step-by-step solution:
1. "The ability" is the subject of the sentence, which refers to the skill or capacity to do something.
2. "To be a good manager" is an infinitive verb phrase that explains what the ability is for. It tells us what the ability can be used for or what it is related to.
3. "Is an essential attribute" is a verb phrase that explains what the ability is. It is an essential attribute, which means it is a quality or characteristic that is necessary or very important.
4. "For organizational success" is a prepositional phrase that explains what the ability is related to or what it is important for. It tells us that the ability is important in order for an organization to be successful.
5. "Organizational" is an adjective that describes the noun "success" and tells us what kind of success is being talked about. It is not just any success, but success related to or concerned with an organization.

5. Improving your computer skills can help you find higher-paid work.

Explanation: Getting better at using computers can increase the likelihood of finding a job that pays more money.

Step-by-step solution:
1. "Improving" is a verb that tells us what we should be doing. It means making something better or becoming better at doing something.
2. "Your" is a possessive pronoun that shows that whatever is being improved belongs to you.
3. "Computer skills" is a noun phrase that explains what specifically should be improved. It tells us that the skills related to or concerned with using computers should be improved.
4. "Can help" is a verb phrase that explains how improving computer skills can be beneficial. It tells us that improving computer skills has the potential to provide assistance or be advantageous in some way.
5. "You" is a pronoun that refers to the person being talked to or mentioned. It shows that the improvement in computer skills will benefit or be of advantage to the person being talked to.
6. "Find" is a verb that means to discover or come across something. In this case, it means to discover or come across work or a job opportunity.
7. "Higher-paid" is an adjective that describes the noun "work" and tells us what kind of work is being referred to. It is work that pays more money.
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