At one o'dlock last night, I was walking in the hall outside Mr Otis' bedroom when he came out of his room. I was danking my chains and making a noise scare him, but wasn't scared at all. He gave me a bottle of oil to stop my chains from danking. I was very angry. I threw it on the floor and ran down the hall making a lot of noise. Then as I got near the top of the stairs, a door opened and two little boys appeared, they laughed and whispered and threw a pillow at my head. I disappeared in a flash of green light and went to a quiet room to think. How dare they be so rude to me? Why aren't they scared of me? I decided it was time to teach them a lesson.
Travel agent: Hello! How may I help you?
Турагент: Здравствуйте! Могу ли я Вам чем-нибудь
Linda: I’d like to scedule and reserve a seaside tour to Cyprus, please.
Линда: Я хотела бы спланировать и зарезервировать тур на Кипр
Travel agent: When would you like to leave?
Турагент: Когда Вы хотите выезжать?
Linda: At the end of this month if possible.
Линда: В конце этого месяца, если можно.
Travel agent: How many people are going with you?Турагент: Сколько еще людей поедет с Вами?
Linda: It’s just me and my boyfriend.
Линда: Едем только я и мой парень.
Travel agent: I hope, your boyfriend likes it too.
Турагент: Надеюсь, и Вашему парню он понравится.
Linda: I’m sure, he will. He has wanted to visit Cyprus for a long time.
Линда: Я уверена, что понравится. Он давно мечтает побывать на Кипре.
(Линда это ТУРИСТ), (Турагент)
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