Напишите монолог give a 1.5-2 minute talk about your forthcoming weekend remember to say: -where you are going to spend it; -what you are going to do; -whom you would like to spend it with
Im going to go to the London.In London i want to go to the London eye beacause it is an amazing when you can see all this city just from the cabine in this London eye.To the London i want to go with my friends and have fun with them.
Man spends nearly half his life at work. Therefore it is very important - choose the right profession. Psychologists believe that the profession should be selected according to individual abilities and talents rights. To make the right choice, you should think that you have the ability to do what you like, and try to understand what you want to achieve in life. For example, I like biology. I love animals, plants, insects and generally all forms of life. I read a lot about wildlife, the nature and habits of animals, the life of the underwater world more. Sometimes I think that the nature of this powerful and mysterious that it naturally - admire her and devote her life to research. Людина проводить на роботі майже півжиття. Тому це дуже важливо – правильно обрати професію. Психологі вважають, що професію необхідно вибирати у відповідності з індивідуальними здібностями і талантами людини. Щоб зробити правильний вибір, ви повинні подумати, які у вас є здібності, що вам подобається робити, і спробувати зрозуміти, чого ви хочете досягнути в житті.Наприклад, я полюбляю біологію. Я обожнюю тварин, рослин, комах і взагалі всі форми життя. Я багато читаю про дику природу, про характери і звички тварин, про життя підводного світу тощо. Іноді мені здається, що природа така могутня і загадкова, що це природньо – захоплюватися нею і присвятити все життя її дослідженню. Я дуже люблю біологію.
1. Is it winter? What is it? Is it winter or autumn? It is winter, isn't it?
2. Were there three mistakes in my text? How many mistakes were there in my text? Were there three or four mistakes in my text? There were three mistakes in my text, weren't there?
3. Does our friend often invite us to the parties? Where does our friend often invite us? Does our friend often invite us to the parties or performances? Our friend often invites us to the parties, doesn't he?
4. Will I try to to pass the exams again next time if I don't do it? What will I do if I don't pass the exams? Will I try to pass the exams again next time or in a couple of years if I don't do it? If I don't pass the exams I'll try to do it again next time, won't I?
5. Does he often read detective stories? What does he often read? Does he often read detective stories or fairy tales? He often reads detective stories, doesn't he?
Im going to go to the London.In London i want to go to the London eye beacause it is an amazing when you can see all this city just from the cabine in this London eye.To the London i want to go with my friends and have fun with them.