Paintings talk Type the missing words in sentences.)
There is the most famous Abylkhan Kasteyev's picture. There are two women making some traditional food in the
There is a big yurt the left side. Near the yurt we can see a boy. There are high and very cold
mountains the background.
либо так если используем when,
My parents say that when I was almost 1 year old when they gave me pencils and paper for drawing,
I was banging rhytm of the music which I heard lately.
либо так, если не используем:
My parents say that when I was almost 1 year old they gave me pencils and paper for drawing but I banged rhytm of the music which I heard lately.
Because of it - лучше That's why.
I like it because I can do it very well anyway my teachers say it. Это лучше разделить на 2: I like it because I can do it very well. At least my teachers say it.
Ещё подумаю, наверняка не всё))