If it would be possible I would like to visit New York. I think that it is the best town for my lifestyle. Just imagine: there are around big towers. In the morning all the people are late and they run somewhere. And you sitting in a little coffee shop and drinking your hot tea or coffee, or hot chocolate and looking at them. And you all right, you are tourist and you don't have to do anything to look like them. Just relax. And in the evening there is the same situation. All the people are late, but you don't. And it is the best in your life because you don't have place to be late at.
Если это было бы возможно, то я хотела бы посетить Нью Йорк. Я думаю, что это самлый подходящий город для моего стиля жизни. Только представьте: вокруг большие башни. Утром все люди опаздывают и бегут куда-то. А вы сидите в кофейне и пьете свой горячий чай\ кофе или горячий шоколад и смотрите на них. И вы в порядке, вы турис и вы не должны делать ничего, чтобы быть похожим на них. Просто расслабьтесь. И вечером та же ситуация. Все люди опаздывают, а вы нет. И это самое лучшее в вашей жизни, потому что у вас нету места, куда бы вы могли опоздать.
Да, я описала какого-то безработного дурачка, но ты мыслей не подкинула, поэтому получай что есть.
1) Near her a small boy (was playing) silently. 2) One of the men spoke first and said the very things that Michael (had been saying) for so long. 3) It was perfectly true that he had never (been interested in this discipline. 4) He opened the book they had just (brought). 5) She invited him to the party she (was giving) on Saturday. 6) I wondered how long I (had been standing) there, my hand on the phone. 7) Suddenly he (gritted) his teeth in angry exasperation. 8) He felt like a man who came out of a fog-filled tunnel where he (had been walking) blindly for months. 9) It so happened that she (dined) that very evening at Timothy’s. 10) He realized that he (had not heard) her laugh like that since her illness.
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