Public Relations Officer;
1 The person who gives out information to the press for a company.
Personnel Officer;
2 The person who handles applications for vacant posts.
3 A person who does hard physical work.
4 A person whose job it is to keep an eye on the day-to-day work of others.
Safety Officer;
5 The person who makes sure there is no risk of accidents from machinery etc.
6 A person generally in charge of day-to-day administration in a company.
Unskilled Worker;
7 A worker whose job requires no special training.
8 An important person in a company who sits on the Board.
9 A person who has a high (but not the highest) position in a company and whose job it is to make important decisions.
Union Official;
10 The person who represents the workers' interests in disputes with the management in a factory.
We played football with the dog.
Мы играли в футбол с собакой
I saw the movie last week.
Я видел фильм на неделе
We asked a teacher.
Мы спросили учителя
He helped his father.
Он отцу
Our house was big.
Наш дом был большой
I had breakfast 2 hour ago.
Я завтракал 2 часа назад
They didn't do it.
Они не делали этого
A doctor didn't see us.
Врач не видел нас
They didn't believe me.
Они не поверили мне
He was lazy.
Он был ленив
She didn't play computer games last week.
На неделе она не играла в компьютерные игры
Did he come to the party?
Он пришел на вечеринку?
When did you go to Paris?
Когда ты ездил в Париж?
Did you see my book?
Ты видел мою книгу?
What did you cook yesterday?
Что ты приготовила вчера?