1. A bad hair day. r) Неудачный день.
2. A big cheese. e) Важный человек, шишка.
3. A blind date. w) Свидание вслепую.
4. A real gaga. ab) Человек страдающий старческим слабоумием.
5. A shaggy dog story. a) Бессмысленный рассказ.
6. A top dog. d) Важная персона.
7. An acid test. x) Серьёзное испытание.
8. An old head on young shoulders. l) Мудр не по годам.
9. By hook or by crook. k) Любым путём
10. It is up to you. m) На Ваше усмотрение.
11. It’s a piece of cake. ad) Это очень легко.
12. Straight from the horse’s mouth. j) Из первых уст.
13. To be a bad egg. q) Непутёвый, никудышный человек.
14. To be as happy as a lark. b) Быть весёлым.
15. To beat around the bush. aa) Ходить вокруг да около.
16. To bite off more than one can chew. t) Переоценить свои силы.
17. To bring home the bacon. s) Обеспечить семью.
18. To cook someone’s goose. n) Навредить кому-то.
19. To eat one’s words. i) Забрать свои слова обратно.
20. To feel blue. g) Грустить.
21. To fish for… o) Напрашиваться на…
22. To have a finger in every pie. c) В каждой бочке затычка.
23. To have one’s head in the clouds. f) Витать в облаках.
24. To keep one’s eye on the ball. h) Держать руку на пульсе.
25. To keep one’s shoulder to the wheel. ac) Энергично взяться за работу.
26. To let the cat out of the bag. v) Проговориться.
27. To put all eggs in one basket. u) Поставить всё на одну карту.
28. To put two and two together. y) Смекнуть, что к чему.
29. To take it on the chin. p) Не падать духом.
30. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. z) Ты не можешь быть в 2 местах одновременно.
Whether you are at home , at school or in the office, you are
likely to be (1) surrounded by objects made of some kind of plastic ROUND
material. And, of course, there are many types of plastic,
each one (2) suitable for a particular use. Thin, flexible plastic is SUIT
good for making objects such as bags, whereas thick, hard
plastic is a (3) useful material for making things like pens, USE
DVD cases and other (4) functional objects . FUNCTION
So, although plastic has a (5) reputation for being cheap and REPUTE
disposable, in the hands of a good (6) designer, it can also be DESIGN
used to make objects of great beauty. As well as offering
(7) extremely high quality at low price, plastic can take almost EXTREME
any shape, colour or consistency, and has been used to make
very (8) attractive pieces of furniture. ATTRACT
Plastic can also be seen as an environmentally friendly
(9) choice of material. It can be used in place of other materials CHOOSE
that are in short supply in their (10) natural state, such as certain NATURE
types of wood, and it is also very hard-wearing. When you no
longer wanted it, then it would almost certainly be possible to
(11) recycle the material. CYCLE
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