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13.06.2021 11:07 •  Английский язык

№1. Read and translate the following international words:
continent, to form, mile, canal, population, climate, typical, capitalist, industry, textile, centre, metal, type, production, port, export, import, chemical, film, territory, intensive, urban, poet, author, interesting, discipline, emotion, tragic, situation, tourist, historical, monument, tradition, financial, bank, concert, fashionable, architecture, visit, memorial, residence, gallery, political, agency, figure, demonstration, meeting.

Find in the text the English equivalents:
ряд островов, состоять из, располагаться, омываться, можно путешествовать, типичная черта, могущественный, высокоразвитые отрасли промышленности, ведущая отрасль, текстильная промышленность, можно найти, занимать первое место, главный центр, сельское хозяйство, учёный, художник, ряд других, славиться, восточное побережье, привлекательный, привычки и традиции, похоронены, ассоциироваться с чем-либо, экономика страны, изобиловать, не меньший интерес представляют, правительственные учреждения, издательство, главная черта, происходить, достопримечательности.
Give all possible endings:
Great Britain is famous for…
London is rich in…
The main industrial centres in Great Britain are…
The most developed industries are…
The most typical feature of English life is…
Among the well-known English writers are…
The most popular sights of London are…
Answer the questions:
What are British Isles formed of?
Where are they situated?
What parts is the United Kingdom composed of?
What seas are the British Isles washed by?
What are the biggest rivers in Great Britain?


continent - континент, a large landmass that is part of the Earth's crust.

to form - образовывать, to create or make.

mile - миля, a unit of distance equal to 5,280 feet or approximately 1.61 kilometers.

canal - канал, a man-made waterway constructed for navigation, irrigation, or drainage purposes.

population - население, the total number of people living in a particular area.

climate - климат, the weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period of time.

typical - типичный, having the distinctive qualities or characteristics of a particular group, category, or set.

capitalist - капиталистический, relating to or practicing capitalism, an economic system based on private ownership and investment of resources for profit.

industry - промышленность, a category of economic activity characterized by the manufacture or production of goods or the provision of services.

textile - текстиль, a type of material or cloth typically produced by weaving or knitting fibers.

centre - центр, a place or location that is the focal point of activity or attention.

metal - металл, a solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile.

type - тип, a category or classification based on common characteristics or traits.

production - производство, the creation, manufacture, or assembly of goods or services.

port - порт, a place on a coast or shore where ships can dock or anchor to load or unload cargo or passengers.

export - экспорт, the sale or shipment of goods or services to foreign countries.

import - импорт, the purchase or acquisition of goods or services from foreign countries.

chemical - химический, relating to or involving the use of chemistry or chemicals.

film - фильм, a motion picture or a thin coating or layer of material.

territory - территория, a land area or region that is under the jurisdiction or control of a particular authority or government.

intensive - интенсивный, characterized by concentrated effort, energy, or activity.

urban - городской, relating to or characteristic of a city or town.

poet - поэт, a person who writes or creates poetry.

author - автор, a person who writes or creates a literary work.

interesting - интересный, arousing curiosity, attention, or fascination.

discipline - дисциплина, a branch of knowledge or field of study.

emotion - эмоция, a strong feeling or reaction that affects one's behavior or mental state.

tragic - трагический, involving or characterized by tragedy or distress.

situation - ситуация, a set of circumstances or conditions in which people find themselves.

tourist - турист, a person who travels for pleasure or recreation.

historical - исторический, relating to or of the past events or people.

monument - памятник, a structure, building, or statue that is created to commemorate or memorialize a person, event, or phenomenon.

tradition - традиция, a belief, custom, or practice that is handed down or passed on from generation to generation.

financial - финансовый, relating to money, banking, investments, or financial matters.

bank - банк, a financial institution that provides a range of services, including the acceptance of deposits, lending money, and issuing credit cards.

concert - концерт, a musical performance or presentation.

fashionable - модный, in vogue or trendy.

architecture - архитектура, the art and science of designing and constructing buildings.

visit - посещать, to go or come to a place for a specific purpose, such as sightseeing or meeting someone.

memorial - мемориал, a structure, statue, or object that is created to commemorate and honor someone or something.

residence - резиденция, a person's home or place of habitual or permanent living.

gallery - галерея, a building or space that is used to display works of art.

political - политический, relating to government, politics, or the activities, actions, and policies of governing authorities.

agency - агентство, an organization or business that provides a particular service or acts on behalf of another.

figure - фигура, a person of importance, influence, or prominence.

demonstration - демонстрация, a public display or exhibition of support or opposition to a cause, idea, or policy.

meeting - встреча, a gathering or assembly of individuals for a specific purpose or to address certain matters.


ряд островов - a group of islands

состоять из - to be composed of

располагаться - to be situated or located

омываться - to be washed by (sea or ocean)

можно путешествовать - can be travelled

типичная черта - a typical feature

могущественный - powerful or mighty

высокоразвитые отрасли промышленности - highly developed industries

ведущая отрасль - a leading industry

текстильная промышленность - textile industry

можно найти - can be found

занимать первое место - to occupy the first place

главный центр - the main center

сельское хозяйство - agriculture

учёный - a scientist

художник - an artist

ряд других - a number of other

славиться - to be famous or well-known

восточное побережье - the eastern coast

привлекательный - attractive

привычки и традиции - customs and traditions

похоронены - buried

ассоциироваться с чем-либо - to be associated with something

экономика страны - economy of the country

изобиловать - to abound or be rich in

не меньший интерес представляют - of no less interest are

правительственные учреждения - government institutions

издательство - publishing house

главная черта - the main feature

происходить - to take place or happen

достопримечательности - sights or tourist attractions


Great Britain is famous for its history, culture and traditions.
London is rich in historical landmarks, museums, and vibrant neighborhoods.
The main industrial centers in Great Britain are Manchester, Birmingham, and Newcastle.
The most developed industries in Great Britain are manufacturing, finance, and technology.
The most typical feature of English life is afternoon tea and politeness.
Among the well-known English writers are William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and Jane Austen.
The most popular sights of London are the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, and the British Museum.


British Isles are formed of numerous islands.
They are situated off the northwest coast of continental Europe.
The United Kingdom is composed of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
The British Isles are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.
The biggest rivers in Great Britain are the Thames, the Severn, and the Trent.
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