Если нужен перевод,то вот он.
В августе мы (едем) в отпуск в Испанию. Это было здорово! Я (никогда) так хорошо не проводил время. Я (даже выучить) несколько слов испанского языка.
Только две плохие вещи (случаются) там. Я (теряю) свою новую камеру, а моя сестра (падает) с балкона нашего отеля и (приземляется) на пальму. Она почти (уничтожила) бедное дерево. Я (посылаю) вам открытку из Гренады, (вы ее получаете)?
В сентябре я (начинаю) в своей новой школе. Я (уже) много 3F новых друзей.
Еще одна новость: я (крашу) свою комнату — ярко-оранжевая! Мама и папа не очень счастливы, но мои друзья думают, что это здорово пишите скорее. Большая любовь. Сандра.
For many people the spring bank holiday is a pleasant day off work or school. Some people choose to take a short trip or vacation. Others use the time to walk in the country, catch up with family and friends, visit garden centers or do home maintenance. However, in some parts of the United Kingdom, there are some customs associated with this day.
On Cooper's Hill in Brockworth, Gloucestershire, people race down a steep hill following a large round cheese. The hill is concave and has an incline of 1:1 in some places. The first person to cross the finishing line wins a Double Gloucester cheese weighing about 8lbs (around 3.5kg). The custom may have been started by the Romans or ancient Britons and be an ancient fertility rite or a way of guaranteeing the rights of the villagers to graze their livestock on the surrounding land. In some years, there have been a lot of injuries, causing the event to be cancelled a couple of times in recent years. In these years, the cheese was rolled down the hill, but nobody was allowed to chase it. In Endon in Staffordshire, the villagers dress their well, hold a fayre (village celebration) and crown a girl as the Well Dressing Queen. Local men hold a competition, known as 'Tossing the Sheaf', in which they compete to see who can toss a bale of straw the highest. In other places, boats are blessed, Morris dancers put on displays and local festivals are held.
1. A dog "CAN" be man's best friend, but it "CAN'T" help with the chores.
2. You "CAN'T" park your car here, it's forbidden.
3. I "CAN'T" help you right now. I'm really busy.
4. It's really heavy, but if you "CAN" try, you "CAN" lift it.
5. You "CAN'T" enter this room because you aren't authorized.
6. You "CAN" buy the best coffee in the coffee shop around the corner.
7. You "CAN'T" play a badminton without a racket.
8. I'm not sure you "CAN" draw a straight line without a ruler.
9. Nowadays you "CAN" learn a foreign languange yourself.
- Hope it helps-