One couple lived next door to a witch. One day a pregnant wife saw that her neighbor is growing Rapunzel and asked her husband to get her to this delicacy. My husband decided to steal the leaves to his wife, but the witch caught him and allowed him to take her Rapunzel as much as necessary in exchange for a promise to give her firstborn. When my wife the girl was born, the witch took her stepdaughter and called Rapunzel. When Rapunzel reached twelve years and was a very beautiful girl, her stepmother locked her in a tower in the forest. The tower had no doors, only one window at the top, and to get to the stepdaughter, the witch called Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Wake up, Pull your koseki down. Then Rapunzel had dangled her long Golden hair, and the witch climbed up on them. One day a Prince found the tower, climbed up to the girl and offered her to become his wife[approx. 1]. Rapunzel agreed, but her stepmother learns about this, she shaved off the spit and from the tower out in the woods, and the Prince blinded. But wandered through the forest blind the Prince stumbled for children away from him gave birth to Rapunzel. So the lovers met again. Rapunzel's tears restored the Prince's sight, and he took his wife and children in his Kingdom.
Пит не любил проигрывать ни в одной игре.
Его родители, учителя и друзья говорили, что он не умеет проигрывать. Он не любил проигрывать даже в простых играх. Это было так здорово, и он чувствовал себя так хорошо, когда выиграл. Он никогда не хотел избавиться от этого чувства, ни за что на свете. Он считал, что проигрыш-это самое страшное, что есть на свете. Если и была какая-то игра, в которую Пит не умел играть, то он в нее просто не играл . Но он принимал участие в любой игре, когда мог выиграть, даже если игра длилась всего минуту. И никто не мог помешать ему играть в то, в чем он был действительно хорош, например, в настольный футбол. В школе Пита появился новый мальчик, и звали его Альберт. Альберт был прекрасным игроком в настольный футбол. Однажды они захотели вместе поиграть в настольный футбол вместе.
Like many other people I do different things on weekdays and weekends. The timetables are different. But I always try to go to bed before midnight and have to get up quite early in the morning on weekdays because I must go to school. If I get up early I can do everything I have planned to do. My school classes usually begin at 8 o'clock. I get up at half past six every day. I make my bed. I just don’t like when my room is messy. Then do some exercises. Usually I take a shower in the morning. I go to the bathroom where I wash my face and brush my teeth. After this I do not feel sleepy at all. I feel full of energy and ready for the new day. Then I have breakfast. It may be a cup of black or green tea or coffee and a sandwich or some scrambled eggs. I like talking to my parents while having breakfast. After breakfast I put all the necessary books into my bag and get dressed. Then I leave home at about 7.40. I get to school on foot. But in winter it’s rather hard to walk on this road so sometimes I take a bus. It takes me twenty minutes to get to school. When I get to school I take off my outerwear and leave it in the cloak-room and go to the classroom.
My classes usually finish at 2 p.m. When classes are over I go to the library or go to my place. There I have dinner. I have tennis trainings three times a week. After the trainings I go straight home, take a bath or a shower and have a light supper. Then I start doing my homework. Normally I have a lot of homework so I don’t have much spare time for my hobbies. I like playing the guitar. Sometimes I get really tired at the end of the day. If I finish early I can hang out with my friends, surf the Internet for a bit or listen to music or watch TV at home. I go to bed at about eleven.