Baku If you have not seen ... I was told by a friend: "You, old man, probably crazy! I understand your sympathy - sorry - I can not. You regret you stand - What are you delusional? What do you groan? What is damn doldonit about Baku Baku, Baku? " He told me: "I bathed in the winter in the Red Sea, ate in Japan lemons, lived on the banks of the Rhine. Was in the south, in the east - a little, then a long time, so I laugh delight about Baku Baku, Baku ... " I told a friend: "What, the train on the planet, You learned burly wind saw it, I saw it ... But why hurt yourself? Well you still Baku have not seen! Baku If you have not seen - What then did you see? What? Баку иф йю хэв нот син Ай вос толд йю э фрэнд Йю олд мэн пробэбли крэйзи Ай андэрстэнд йю симпати Сори я кян нот Йю регрет йю стэнд Вот а йю дэлюжэнал Вот ду ю грон Вот из дамн долдонайд Эбаут баку Баку Баку Хи толд ми
Hurry, hurry, ˈhʌri ˈhʌri Come and see! kʌm ænd siː Today there's a party, təˈdeɪ ðeɛz ə ˈpɑːti Just for me! ʤʌst fɔː miː With burgers, biscuits wɪð ˈbɜːgəz ˈbɪskɪts And bananas too! ænd bəˈnɑːnəz tuː There s lots to eat ðeər ɛs lɒts tuː iːt For me and you! fɔː miː ænd juː Pizza, chips ˈpiːtsə ʧɪps And sandwiches ænd ˈsænwɪʤɪz And candles on the cake ænd ˈkændlz ɒn ə keɪk To make a wish. tuː meɪk ə wɪʃ
Спешите, спешите, Приезжайте и посмотрите! Сегодня вечеринка, Kак раз у меня! С гамбургерами, печеньем И бананами тоже! Там много еды Для меня и для вас! Пицца, чипсы, И сэндвичи тоже. И свечи на торте, Чтобы желание загадать.