To be honest, i can't precisely say was it good or bad. I was relaxing from school and watching different movies at home in front of TV. But it's not that bad, i mean i was walking with my friends several times a week and it was great to take a rest from learning something. Actually, it was nice and i like that, because I don't love being overwhelmed. Also i spent 2 weeks with my grandparents in the countryside. I love them for patience and understanding. And now, in the beginning of the new school year, i am full of positive emotions and ready to start working on my education.
Being a doctor has always been noble and prestigious. Since the times this profession has been introduced in the society, people respected and admired it. Doctors are people who provide the first aid when needed. Sometimes they work miracles, particularly when they are plastic surgeons or researchers who work on medical advances. The first ones are capable of changing appearances of people; the other ones can look into the topic of cloning.There are so many branches in medicine nowadays that it’s hard to count them. One of the most demanded professions is that of a dentist. In my opinion, these people are heroes. They can cure any type of toothache. In worst case scenarios they refer to tooth extraction. В медицине в настоящее время так много разновидностей врачей, что их трудно сосчитать. Одной из наиболее востребованных профессий является профессия стоматолога. На мой взгляд, эти люди герои. Они могут вылечить любой тип зубной боли. В худшем случае они прибегают к удалению зуба.
Traumatologist is also a highly regarded profession. These people are always there to help those who broke their legs or arms.People that I find really helpful are nurses. Doctors probably earn more money and they need to study longer, but nurses are their first helpers. No doctor can do without a nurse.Pediatricians are also important in any town and clinic. I call them multitasking doctors. They need to be experienced in many fields. They need to know the basics of surgery, neurology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology, cardiology, immunology etc. If I’d ever choose to become a doctor, I would stop on a profession of the pediatrician. It’s almost the same as a family doctor, who can treat most common illnesses, such as ordinary cold, sore throat, stomachache. In more serious cases pediatricians can give an advice which doctor to see.
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