но на эти вопросы не сможет ответить никто кроме тебя(никто другой не знает во сколько ты просыпаешься или завтракаешь)
The person who influenced me a lot. This is definitely my best friend Vasilisa. I met her at a new school when I was 11. It was very difficult for me to find new friends and I immediately liked her. We began to communicate with her and even went for a walk. Over time, we never parted.We even understand each other perfectly. I stay overnight with her and she is with me. She helped me and I supported her. We had a lot in common, many people even thought that we were relatives so we were friendly. I think we will never part with her because I love her very much. We are so close that we even entered the same institute and continue to help each other.
а) когда вы завтракаете?
Б) во сколько начинаются ваши занятия?
в) в какое время они заканчивают?
г) в какое время открываются/закрываются магазины
в вашем городе/деревне?
д) Сколько сейчас времени?
На эти вопросы отвечаешь