We walk through the park every day. (walked)
2. He is a good student . (was)
3. He drinks coffee with all his meals. (drank )
4. They come to school by bus. (came)
5. He needs a new suit. (needed)
6. He talks to us in English. (talked)
7. We are good friends. (were)
8. He has many friends here.(had)
9. They have a new car. (had)
10.She and I are students in the same class. (were)
11.She speaks Spanish well. (spoke)
12.He reads the newspaper at breakfast. (read)
13.I buy all my clothes in that store. (bought)
14.He smokes a lot. (smoke)
15.We learn many new words. (learned)
16.The teacher asks us many questions.(asked)
17.Our lesson ends at two o`clock. (ended)
18.The weather is good. (was)
19.Both windows are closed(were)
20.There is nobody at home. (was)
21.He follows his brother everywhere. (followed)
22.At the end of the school year, I sell all my books. (sold)
23.I understand him well. (understood)
B. Past tense 2: question form.
Change to the question form.
1. He spoke to me about it yesterday. Did he speak …
2. She waited for us on the corner. Did she wait …
3. They wrote him several letters. did they write…
4. The bus stopped on this corner. did the bus stop…
5. They had dinner with us last night. did they have …
6. She wanted to go with us. did she want…
7. He preferred to stay at home.did he prefer …
8. Monica knew him very well. did she know …
9. You got up very early this morning.did you get up …
10.They came to school by bus. did they come…
11.Julio read about the accident in the newspaper last night.did Julio read …
12.They lived near us. did they live …
13.She spoke to them in Spanish. did she speak …
14.We walked together for a long time. did we walk…
15.He bought his car in Europe. did he buy …
16.She put on her hat and coat. did she put…
17.It rained very hard last night. did it rain …
18.He arrived late for the lesson. did he arrive…
19.She wrote him a letter from New York. did she write …
20.We ate dinner in a restaurant last night. did we eat…
21.They sat near her at the play. did she sit …
Прости, но я не могу ответить на остальное. Я не так уж знаю предлоги (prepositions)
Каждый год
Каждый год двенадцатого апреля жители всех стран мира отмечают
День космонавтики. Эта дата была установлена после по-
лёта в космос первого космонавта Земли — Юрия Алексе-
евича Гагарина.
Впервые в мире космический корабль с человеком на
борту ворвался в просторы вселенной с космодрома Бай-
Коныр. Этот полёт длился сто восемь минут. Корабль за это время
выполнил один оборот вокруг Земли. Юрий Гагарин обле-
тел нашу планету и увидел, как она прекрасна.
Этот полёт навсегда изменил жизнь людей и открыл до-
рогу в космос. А Юрий Гагарин стал одним из самых знаме-
нитых людей в мире. Его именем названы города, улицы,
кратер“ на Луне и даже малая планета.
(Атлас Земли. ЭКСМО, две тысячи двенадцатый)
-Excuse me, sir. Сan I ask you to stop singing? It's a bit annoying.
-No, you can't! I like singing!
-Here is not a concert! Please keep quiet and I will be very grateful to you, otherwise, I'll have to ask the staff for help to calm you down.
-I don't need any help!
-But I need. I ask you to stop, unfortunately for you my patience is not infinite.
-Well, if I tell you that much in the way!
-Thak you very much.
-Простите сэр. Могу я попросить вас прекрать петь. Это немного раздражает.
-Нет не можете! Мне нравиться петь.
-Здесь же не концерт я вас сохранять тишину и буду вам очень признателен, в противном случае мне придется обратиться к сотрудникам за чтобы вас успокоить.
-Мне не нужна никакая
-Зато мне нужна вас прекратить, к сожалению для вас, мое терпение не бесконечно.
-Ну ладно, если я вам так уж сильно мешаю!