One day a fisherman on the aral sea sailed home after a day's was rain and he did not have a very good day and did not catch very many fish.suddenly he heard a strange noise.a cow flew towards his boat! the cow hit the boat and nearly destroyed it.when the fishermen got back home people did not believe his story.then some time later the usa air force has showed that the fishermen has told the truth.while one of their transport planes flew over the aral sea a cow on the plane have gone mad and the pilot has throwed it out the sea.
One of the natural attractions, even the equipped person is considered Central Park. Huge park in the heart of Manhattan. Its length is almost 4 kilometers and a width of 800 meters. This green lung of the city skyline and a popular place for recreation for many New Yorkers. All in a park created manually by the inhabitants of the city, cleaning as well engaged mainly involve volunteers. Surprisingly, in the center of this great city can be so clean, beautiful and large park. Not surprisingly, the most expensive street in the world is located in New York. This Fifth Avenue, here are the most expensive boutiques, representative of many brands as well as luxury expensive restaurants. Everything else on Fifth Avenue is a number of interesting museums. There is hardly anyone else who has not heard about the famous Broadway. This street is the center of global theater, as well as the longest street in New York length of 25 kilometers. There are also many theaters, museums and exhibitions. Also on Broadway, you can find restaurants and shops with more reasonable prices than on Fifth Avenue. If we talk about the famous streets of New York, it is impossible not to mention the financial center of the world, where the American Stock Exchange. Of course, this is Wall Street. If we talk about the famous streets of New York , it is impossible not to mention the financial center of the world , where the American Stock Exchange . Of course , this is Wall Street. Of course, one of the main attractions of New York is its architecture , namely skyscrapers . Is considered the most famous Empire State Building, built in 1931 , just one year . Conclude our review of one of the most popular museums in not only New York but also around the world. This wax museum Madame Tussauds , the London branch of the famous museum. Here is the collection of more than four hundred replicas of world celebrities .
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