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31.05.2021 03:30 •  Английский язык

Our University We study at Volgograd State Technical University. It is located in the centre of the city in Lenin Avenue.
Volgograd State Technical University was established in 1930 as an institute for training specialists for tractor and automobile industries. In 1963 the institute became a polytechnic one and in 1995 it got the status of state technical university.
Over the years of its existence the university has educated 50,000 highly qualified specialists in the fields of machine-building, hot metal treatment, chemical technology, transportation, etc., including over one thousand specialists for foreign countries.
In 1993 VSTU introduced a multy-level system of education. Those who have successfully graduated from the university are conferred a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree, Master of Science (MS) degree or qualified as engineers. There are postgraduate and doctoral courses at the university. The university consists of the following faculties: automobile transport, auto-tractor, machine-building, electronics and computer science, chemical technology, economics and business administration (management), construction materials technology, faculty for foreign citizens (applicants and specialists), evening departments in Kirovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts of Volgograd, preparatory training faculty for applicants. Presently new forms of education have been developed which provide simultaneously two degrees of higher education. VSTU also offers all kinds of education (distance-learning, part-time and special courses) for working people.
The academic year is divided into two terms. Students must attend all the lectures, classes and seminars. They also must take examinations and receive credits in all the subjects they studied during the term. First and second year students study general engineering subjects: mathematics, chemistry, physics, drawing, and descriptive geometry. They also study social sciences and foreign languages. In the third year students begin to study special subjects. The study of theory is accompanied by practical training.
The University contains a large number of seminar and lecture rooms, specialized research laboratories. It has got libraries, students’ dormitories, gymnasiums, a sports camp and a health centre. Every student is guaranteed a grant according to the academic results achieved.
A high quality of education is provided for, first and foremost, by the teaching staff of professors and instructors. There are 1006 professors and instructors at 66 departments of the university and its subsidiaries, including 80 Doctors of Science, professors; 462 candidates of science, associate professors. There are 22 academicians and correspondence members of Russian Academy of Sciences and other academies.
VSTU is also one of the largest scientific research centers developing fundamental, natural, economic and social sciences and on their basis theoretical and practical work in many applied fields of engineering and technology.
There are many student clubs and societies. Students take part in scientific and engineering work, they also develop their creative abilities in the Student Design Bureau. Every year many students report about the results of their research work at scientific conferences of the university. The best works are published.
Since 1962 the university has regularly trained highly qualified specialists for many European, Asian, African and Latin American countries. Graduates of the university work now in more than 70 countries.
Our University today is the largest higher educational institution in the Low Volga region, a multi-profile school teaching a highly qualified staff for various branches of economy and science. The scientists of the university make a considerable contribution to the development of fundamental and applied science research. A number of scientific schools created at the university are well-known in the country. The graduates of Volgograd State Technical University work at different industrial enterprises, design and research institutes. Many of them have contributed much to the development of industry and science in Russia.


Мы учимся в Волгоградском государственном техническом университете. Он расположен в центре города на проспекте Ленина. Волгоградский государственный технический университет был основан в 1930 году как институт подготовки специалистов для тракторной и автомобильной промышленности. В 1963 году институт стал политехническим, а в 1995 году получил статус государственного технического университета. За годы своего существования университет подготовил 50 000 высококвалифицированных специалистов в области машиностроения, обработки чугуна, химической технологии, транспорта и др., В том числе более тысячи специалистов для зарубежных стран. В 1993 году в ВГТУ введена многоуровневая система обучения. Те, кто успешно окончил университет, получают степень бакалавра наук (BS), степень магистра наук (MS) или квалификацию инженера. В университете есть аспирантура и докторантура. В состав вуза входят следующие факультеты: автотранспортный, автотракторный, машиностроительный, электронно-вычислительный, химико-технологический, экономика и бизнес-администрирование (менеджмент), технологии строительных материалов, факультет для иностранных граждан (поступающих и специалистов), вечерний кафедры в Кировском и Красноармейском районах Волгограда, факультет подготовительной подготовки абитуриентов. В настоящее время разработаны новые формы обучения, дающие одновременно две степени высшего образования. ВолгГТУ также предлагает все виды обучения (заочное, заочное, спецкурсы) для работающих. Учебный год делится на два семестра. Студенты должны посещать все лекции, занятия и семинары. Они также должны сдать экзамены и получить кредиты по всем предметам, которые они изучали в течение семестра. Студенты первого и второго курсов изучают общеинженерные предметы: математику, химию, физику, рисунок, начертательную геометрию. Также они изучают общественные науки и иностранные языки. На третьем курсе студенты начинают изучать специальные предметы. Изучение теории сопровождается практическими занятиями. В университете имеется большое количество семинарских и лекционных залов, специализированных исследовательских лабораторий. Здесь есть библиотеки, студенческие общежития, гимназии, спортивный лагерь, оздоровительный центр. Каждому студенту гарантируется стипендия в соответствии с достигнутыми академическими результатами. Высокое качество обучения обеспечивается, прежде всего, профессорско-преподавательским составом. На 66 кафедрах университета и его филиалов 1006 профессоров и преподавателей, в том числе 80 докторов наук, профессоров; 462 кандидата наук, доцентов. 22 академика и члена-корреспондента Российской академии наук и других академий. ВолгГТУ также является одним из крупнейших научно-исследовательских центров, разрабатывающих фундаментальные, естественные, экономические и социальные науки и

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1) At 7 o’clock yesterday evening Ralph was driving to the city centre.

Was Ralph  driving to the city centre at 7 o’clock yesterday evening?

At 7 o’clock yesterday evening Ralph wasn't driving to the city centre.

2) Jane was doing her homework when the telephone rang.  

Was Jane  doing her homework when the telephone rang?

Jane wasn't doing her homework when the telephone rang.  

3) I entered the living room and saw Peter who was sleeping on the sofa.  

Was Peter sleeping on the sofa when I entered the living room?

Peter wasn't sleeping on the sofa when I entered the living room.

4) When Jane came home, her little bro was playing with his favourite toy plane.  

Was her little bro playing  with his favourite toy plane when Jane came home.

Her little bro  wasn't playing  with his favourite toy plane when Jane came home.

5) While Ann was doing the flat, her sis was cooking dinner.  

Was her sister cooking dinner while Ann was doing the flat?

Her sister wasn't cooking dinner while Ann was doing the flat.

6) It was snowing when they left the house.  

Was It  snowing when they left the house?

It wasn't snowing when they left the house.    

7) Mum was crossing the street when Dad drove up to the gate.  

Was Mum  crossing the street when Dad drove up to the gate?

Mum wasn't  crossing the street when Dad drove up to the gate.  

8) My granny was washing up while I was cutting the vegetables for salad.  

Was my granny  washing up while I was cutting the vegetables for salad?

My granny wasn't  washing up while I was cutting the vegetables for salad.    

9) I was trying to phone you yesterday afternoon. — Sorry, Bob, I wasn’t at home. I was helping Sarah to prepare her presentation.  

Were you  helping  Sarah to prepare her presentation when I was   trying to phone you yesterday afternoon?

You weren't  helping  Sarah to prepare her presentation when I was   trying to phone you yesterday afternoon?

10) When John arrived, we were having breakfast.

Were we having breakfast when John arrived.

We weren't having breakfast when John arrived.

4,7(21 оценок)

Brief history of Russia

The territory of modern Russia has been inhabited since prehistoric times by Scythians, the oldest ancestors of the Slavs. The culture of this particular people preceded the emergence of Kievan Rus. Thus, the history of Russia was born long before the formation of the Roman Empire, and the tribes that inhabited it in the pre-Slavonic period, took an active part in the formation of ancient culture.

The ancestors of the Slavs lived mainly in Central Europe, but over time they moved to the east. In terms of language, they belonged to the Indo-European group of peoples. The etymology of the name of the country is interesting. The term “Russia” was first used in the 10th century by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII in his writings. This word was the Greek designation of Russia, that is, all East Slavic territories.

In the VII century AD the resettlement of Slavic peoples from Central Europe ended with the formation of a new nation — the Russians. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, the Russian state was formed in 862. It was the largest state in Europe, stretching from the Black Sea to the Arctic. Soon through the efforts of the Rurik dynasty, a new monarchical state, Kievan Rus, was formed. It included not only all the Eastern Slavs, but also partly Finno-Ugric, Turkic and Baltic tribes. At the beginning of the XI century there was a collapse into smaller principalities.

Since 1237, many areas of ancient Russia were invaded by the Mongol-Tatars. And the northeastern territories paid tribute to the Tatar khans until the end of the XV century. From the middle of the 15th century, a single geopolitical space formed with the capital in Moscow on the territory of Russia. The first sovereign of Russia is considered to be Ivan IV the Terrible. During his rule, Astrakhan and Kazan also joined the state of Moscow. At the end of the XVI century, serfdom began to form in Russia.

In the first half of XVII, Russia experienced a Time of Troubles, marked by the Polish-Swedish intervention and the political and economic crisis. Having defended its independence, the country has entered a new stage of development. In 1613, the kingdom was transferred to the Romanov dynasty. The first king of this dynasty was Mikhail Fedorovich. During his reign, Eastern Siberia was developed, many cities and settlements were founded (Kuznetsk, Yakutsk, etc.), including in Chukotka and in the Amur region. During the reign of his son Alexei Mikhailovich, the influence of the West increased.

One of the most interesting periods in the history of Russia was the reign of Peter I (1682-1725). This emperor founded the new capital in St. Petersburg, returned the Russian lands, strengthened the absolute monarchy and carried out a number of radical reforms to modernize the army and education. After his death, palace coups began in the country, which Elizabeth I (1741-1762) was able to stop. During the reign of Catherine II (1762-1796), Russia successfully fought with Turkey for access to the Black Sea.

At the end of the XVIII - beginning of the XIX century, the Napoleonic wars began. Napoleon's troops occupied some European territories, but in 1812 were defeated by the Russian army. 1861, the year of the abolition of serfdom, became an important year for Russia. Rapid economic growth began in the late 19th and early 20th century. During World War I, the monarchy was overthrown by the Provisional Revolutionary Government. Political chaos increased in the country, culminating in the October 1917 revolution.

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 became a serious test for the country. Losses were colossal. During this war, more than 26 million people died and more than 70 thousand settlements were destroyed. The war ended with the victory of the Soviet Union, but it took decades to restore the country's economy. In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, forming the Russian Federation on the territory of the state.

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