I am fond of swimming .This is my hobby. I really like doing this. I've been doing this for a long time. I have already been to competitions in our city, but unfortunately I did not take any place, it really upset me. But I do not lose heart and train further. Because I really like my hobby. What I like most about my hobby is that I swim. And I can swim in different ways. My coach always praises me and says that I'm doing well. I will try very hard to win the competition next time.
я увлекаюсь плаванием .Это мое хобби. Мне очень нравиться этим заниматься. Я занимаюсь этим достаточно давно. Я уже была на соревнованиях в нашем городе, но к сожалению не заняла не какое место, это меня очень огорчил. Но я не унываю и тренируюсь дальше. Так как мне очень нравится мое хобби. Больше всего в моем хобби мне нравится то что я плаваю. И умею плавать разными Мой тренер меня всегда хвалит и говорит что у меня все хорошо получается. Я буду очень стараться чтобы в следующий раз победить на соревнованиях. ( поости если что не так, но я стараюсь ) если тебя устроит мой ответ сделай его лучшим
1. They have been living in London for ten years.
2. When we came to the
stations, train already
3. Ann said she wanted to go to
the sea next year with her children.
4. Where are the children? -
They are still playing in the courtyard.
5. I was wondering why Tommy left without saying a word.
6. are you still reading this
a book? How long have you been reading this?
7. Victor knew that my dad
had problems.
8. He asks me if the flight is canceled today.
9. They have already written their own essay in two hours.
10. No one knew what would be next.
11. Diana said she didn't want to wear her hat.
12. My friend knows English since childhood.
13.Barbara said she could, to fix your car yourself.
14. Students were told:
that the Earth is moving
around the sun.
15. He told me that if not
one to come to meet me at
the station, I can leave it.
suitcases in the wardrobe
and go to the hotel where he lives.
4) A LOT