A. 1. If the weather is fine next weekend, we (shall go) to the country.
2. I will always ( help) you this year if you ( need) help.
3. I (will help) you tomorrow if you still (need) help .
4. lf my parents (do not work) on Saturday, we shall all ( go) skiing.
5. Granny sometimes (does not hear) if little Eddie ( calls) her.
B. 1. Mother (will be) very tired tomorrow, she ( will go) home by tram.
2. I (will) always be at home if you ( ring) me up this summer.
3. If Father ( leaves) for the south, Mother (will start) preparations.
4. The children (will wear) shorts in summer if it (is) hot.
5. If the days (are) sunny in spring, we (shall work) in the garden.
In my case, I've worked for several nonprofits in the past, and became deeply disenchanted with the practice of using donations on high executive salaries. It has nothing to do with the compensation itself - it's just it's not reasonable given that 90% of the amount goes towards things other than actual mission of the nonprofit.
Due to this, I refuse to donate to organizations, and instead seek out actual people in need within my community (and surrounding areas). I need a degree of assurance that my donation will go towards the goal.
I am very passionate about kids and family.
My charity of choice is a local battered women's shelter (women and children). I get lists from them (with personal information removed) and get items which are on those lists - clothing, personal care items, presents, etc, guided by the sizing requirements and sometimes fashion styles.
These expenses are actually smaller than the donation and eliminates the need for money to enter the equation, thus enabling me to donate more often than I would have otherwise.
(On a personal level, it is also satisfying that I can go shopping but with an entirely different mindset and for a good cause - instead of pennies of my purchase to be sent to the charity by the corporation, 100% of it goes exactly where I want it to be sent to; plus, it is returning back to benefit disadvantaged persons in my own community).