As i was waiting, I heard a sudden, loud noise quite close by. I had always suspected there was more to Mr Morley than people imagined. We followed the trail for some time, until it disappeared at the edge of a fast- flowing river.
Physical activity plays an important role in the development of overall health and prevents various diseases. Apart from preventing diseases, playing sports is an excellent physical activity and thus aids in improving the functional capabilities of body. Sports are not only beneficial to young people, but also for older generations. However, it is always good to start early. Kids should be encouraged in participating in playing sports at school or at social events. This helps in obtaining the maximum amount of positive results of playing sports involving physical activity. Many older people find improved alertness over time if they engage in sports.
1. Where Andrei Sakharov was born? 2. What did he do after graduating from Moscow State University? 3. Did A. Sakharov become the youngest academician in Russia? 4. What did he realize unlike many scientists? 5. What did he decide to do at the end of the 50s? 6. What did A. Sakharov win in 1975? 7. Where did Sakharov participate in December 1987? 8. Where did the International Conference against atomic wars take place? 9. When did Sakharov start his official career as a member of Russian Parliament? 10. When did he die?
As i was waiting, I heard a sudden, loud noise quite close by. I had always suspected there was more to Mr Morley than people imagined. We followed the trail for some time, until it disappeared at the edge of a fast- flowing river.