1 My school is not very big (/small). Моя школа не очень большая. (маленькая).
2 It has three floors. В ней 3 этажа. The classrooms are large and light. Классы большие и светлые
3 In my school there are more than 700 (seven hundred) pupils. В моей школе учатся более 700 учеников.
4 I'm in the 6th form. Я в 6 классе . (Можно: I'm in the sixth year.)
5 In my class there are 26 pupils . В моём классе 26 учеников .
6 My favourite subjects are English and Maths. Мои любимые предметы английский язык и математика.
7 There is a good gym, computer classes, a library and a canteen in our school. В нашей школе хороший спортзал, компьютерные классы, библиотека и столовая.
8 I love my school, my teachers and my classmates very much ! Я очень люблю свою школу, учителей и одноклассников!
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.
Last Sunday, hundreds of fans (1) (went) to Ukraina Palace in Kyiv to see the famous Ukrainian band “Ocean Elzy”. There (2) (was) not an empty seat anywhere in the auditorium. “Sure, it’s cold outside, but I hope we’ll warm it up here for you,” said Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, the band leader. The band (3) (sang) a lot of well-known songs from their albums. The wonderful music and the songs’ words (4) (told) the listeners about the eternal values: understanding, friendship and love. The sound (5) (was) perfect. The audience really (6) (loved) the concert. Many people in the crowd (7) (were) real fans and they (8) (knew) the words and they (9) (sang) along to nearly every song. At the end of the concert, “Ocean Elzy” (10) (showed) that they (11) (were) true performers. They (12) (finished) with a new song – a song from their album “Mira”. I (13) (knew) that I (14) (had seen) the performance of real stars.