Modern olympic games are the largest international complex sports competitions held every four years under the auspices of the international olympic committee. the medal won at the olympics is considered one of the highest achievements in sports. the tradition of the olympic games, which existed in ancient greece, originated as part of a religious cult. the games were held from 776 bc. e. 393 year n. e., all was held 293 olympics in olympia, which was considered a sacred place among the greeks. from olympia came the name of the games. the modern olympic games were revived at the end of the 19th century by french public figure pierre de coubertin. the olympics, also known as the summer olympics, have been held every four years since 1896, with the exception of the years that came during world wars. in 1924, the winter olympics were instituted, which were originally held in the same year as the summer. however, since 1994, the time of the winter olympics has been shifted by two years relative to the time of the summer games.
еда царей икра - одно из самых известных продуктов в . это соленые яйца осетровых рыб, которые живут в черном море и каспийско море. россия, болеечем любая другая страна, известна своей высококачественной икрой. не ели ее, потому что им не нравился ее вкус, пока екатерина великая не преподнесла ее на ужин в 1778 году. с тех пор она была любимым блюдом разных царей, и они часто называют ее "едой царей" они были основнымии потребителями икры, и рыбаки посылали им лучшее из своей продукции. каждый год николай 2 (1868-1918) получал около 11 тонн икры от своих рыбаков. в наши дни, хотя она довольно дорогая, люди во всем мире ее на праздниах и в особых случаях
The Peterson have the biggest dog in the neighbourhood.