6 Там, где возможно, перефразируйте подчёркнутые слова и словосочетания, используя конструкцию иѕеd tо. Вишите свой вариант в предложения.
1. James skated / used to skate a lot last winter, but now he is in Florida and doesn't skate.
2. When I was a child, my mum and dad never went out /
in the evening. But they often do this
3. Our school team normally won /
all the football matches. But this season is very bad for us.
4. Sam had /
a lot of problems with his old Ford, but now he has a new BMW and everything is OK
5. I was a football fan/ when a teenager and I'm still fond of this game.
6. Susan worked hard /
at the weekend. I'm not surprised, she always does.
7. Mary has broken her leg and is in hospital. Before the accident she walked /
much in the forest.
8. Simon isn't a good swimmer. When he was a child, he didn't swim /
well either.
Moscow is rich in parks and museums, theatres and art galleries. This is the center of Russia's culture and economic life. There are the most famous Russian institutes and universities, boards of many banks, large Russian firms and offices. The capital of Russia enjoys increasing popularity among tourists.
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