до е. In my free time I also enjoy going to the movies and parties. There are also some good things about swimming for a club. I travel a lot for competitions and Ive made friends with swimmers from other Australian cities and from other parts of the world. Ала is becoming well known in Australia and she believes it is important to get more young реople interested in swimming. I dont mind talking to journalists and having my photograph taken. But last year I was on TV and that was much more fun.'
Example: O Ana's home is in Melbourne. A Right B Wrong Doesn't say
21 Ana hopes she will become an Olympic swimmer. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
22 Ana knows that she is better at short races than long ones. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
23 Ana has won a lot of swimming competitions. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
24 It is difficuit for Ana to make friends with other people who swim. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
25 Ana likes doing the same things as other teenagers. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 26 Ana has met people from different countries at swimming competitions. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
27 Ana prefers speaking to journalists to being on television. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
2. Содержанию текста соответствует предложение… a) Eleanor Roosevelt was the country’s most active First lady.
3. Содержанию текста не соответствует предложение... c) After her husband’s death she wasn’t appointed delegate to the United Nations.
4. Правильным ответом на вопрос “Who was the 32nd President of the United States?” является… b) Franklin D. Roosevelt
5. В тексте слово “minority” обозначает… b) меньшинство
6. Содержанию текста в предложении “She was interesting…” соответствует слово… d) refugee
7. Содержанию текста соответствует завершение предложения “She wrote many newspaper and magazine articles and made many radio and television…” словoм… a) appearances
8. Наиболее удачный заголовок к тексту… b) Eleanor Roosevelt.