Сэлли любит играть со своими друзьями.- I like to play with my friends. Сэлли любит петь.- I like (/don't like) to sing. Сэлли любит плавать в озере. - I like to swim in the lake. Сэлли ненавидит готовить. - I like (/hate) to cook. Сэлли ненавидит грязную посуду. - I hate dirty plates. Джон любит кататься на велосипеде. - I like to ride a bike. Джон любит запускать воздушных змеев. - I like to fly kites. Джон ненавидит петь песни. - I hate/like to sing songs. Джон ненавидит танцевать. - I hate/like to dance.
1. Where did you leave your umbrella? 2. Andrew graduated from high school in 1998. 3. My brother was involved in boxing for 2 years. 4. When Mrs. Smith came home, her daughter was preparing dinner. 5. In the past, when Jane was a little girl, she often slept during the day. 6. Nick taught the word all evening yesterday. 7. Previously, she was very well prepared and we were often pleasant night-school students. (But: now she is so not ready, but we are going to still). 8. We have seen, he did not hear us. 9. When we worked in the garden, we ate a lot of apples every day. 10. Yes, he always remained silent at a board in the last quarter!