1.Who knew about the death of Marley?
2 Who was Scrooge for Marley ?
3. What was the name os Scrooge and Marley?
4. Whose ghost penetrated ?
5. With whom was Scrooge talking ?
6. Where was the ghost sitting?
7. Who feared Scrooge?
8. In What apartment did Scrooge Live ?
9. Where did Scrooge have dinner ?
10.What was Scrooge appear ?
11.Which phrase best describes Ebenezer?
12.Why does Scrooge’s nephew visit him on Christmas Eve?
13.What is Jacob Marley wearing?
14.Where did Scrooge live?
15.Who was Fred?
16.What kind of man was Scrooge?
17.What was Scrooge doing on Christmas Eve?
18.Where did The Ghost of Christmas Future take Scrooge to?
19.What did Scrooge promise?
20.What did Scrooge remember on the next morning?
22.What did Scrooge do in the street?
23.What did he buy for Bob Cratchit?
24.А где живет Скрудж?
25.Кто такой Фред Ди?
17 THE Earth goes round THE Sun.
18. Do you know where THE Sahara Desert is situated?
19. Mom isn’t at - - - home now. She is at - - - work. She is A doctor and works
at THE hospital that is near our - - - house.
20. Every summer we go to - - - lake Issyk-Kul to rest.
--- с названиями озёр
The + планеты и названия пустынь
at - - - work, at - - - home... = устойчивые выражения без артикля
Конкретная больница возле дома = the
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