50 3 Match the words. 1 fall UAWN grow lost human a old b world C and harmony d free a battle f terrible acts g asleep e ON peace set fight commit 8 h his power
This weekends I decided to go to the cinema with my friends. The film was interesting comedy, so we were lathing all the time. Then we went to the theme park and had a wonderful time there riding a roller coaster and roundabouts. I like to spend weekends with my friends.
На этих выходных я решила пойти в кино со своими друзьями. Фильм был интересной комедией поэтому мы все время смеялись. Потом мы пошли в парк аттракционов и провели замечательное время катаясь на американских горках и каруселях. Я люблю проводить выходные с друзьями.
Dame Goody was a nurse. One day she came down from the bedroom and saw an old man. He was cross-eyed. He asked her to go to his wife, she was sick to nurse her baby. Then they left the house. When they entered,Dame Goody took the baby and the mother handed her an ointment.As the hostess recovered and was able to nurse her child Lady Goody asked me to take her home her home ,and the old man took her home . Cross-eyed old man paid her off like her who have not paid. The next day the Lady goody went to the market and saw the crossed-eyed man. He walked from the counter to the counter and each took not-be-Butoh someone doesn't notice. She decided not to miss such a generous client.Here she came up to him and said-Good day! I think your wife and baby are both doing as well as... Before she can finish the old man was Surprised and said, -how you like me now see?! -See you? She asked again – of course ! also as you can see the sun in the sky. -What kind of eye you see all this? -Right of course! She replied . Ointment The Ointment . He exclaimed -Get the fact that poking in their Affairs. More you'll never see me again ! And then he slapped her right eye and she at the same hour, I could see him and akriveia in one eye and remained such until his death.
1-g fall asleep
2-a grow old
3-h lost his power
4-b human world
5-c peace and harmony
6-d set free
7-e fight a battle
8-f commit terrible acts