Предмет педагогики — целостный педагогический процесс направленного развития и формирования личности в условиях её воспитания, обучения и образования. Объект педагогики — воспитание как сознательно и целенаправленно осуществляемый процесс. Объектом педагогики выступают те явления действительности, которые обусловливают развитие человеческого индивида в процессе целенаправленной деятельности общества. Эти явления получили название образования. Оно и есть та часть объективного мира, которую изучает педагогика.
ну вот
1. Do you like to study the night before you sit an exam? Why/Why not? — Вам нравится учиться в ночь перед сдачей экзамена? Почему, почему нет?
2. Which exams do you think you will pass this term? — Какие экзамены вы считаете вы будете сдавать в этой четверти?
3. What do you think should happen to pupils who play truant? — Как вы думаете, что должно произойти с учащимися, которые прогуливают?
4. Are you going to enrol at university when you leave school? — Собираетесь ли вы поступить в университет, когда вы окончите школу?
5. What kind of degree would you like to get? — Какую степень вы хотели бы получить?
6. Do you think it’s alright to skip some classes at university? Why?/Why not? — Считаете ли вы, что это нормально, пропустить некоторые занятия в университете? Почему, почему нет?
7. Why do you think some people drop out of university? — Как вы думаете, почему некоторые люди бросают университет?
Weekend is something that I really look forward to after six busy days at school. I think, every person, whether an adult or a child, cannot work all the time and needs time for rest. That’s why weekends are useful and necessary. I usually spend time with my family or friends at weekends. Sometimes I need to be left alone for a while. In any case, I try to spend my weekends cheerfully and positively.
Last weekend wasn’t much different from other free days but there was something special about it. It was my mum’s birthday. I woke up earlier than others on Sunday morning to buy her some flowers and to decorate our hall with colorful balloons. My parents were surprised how agile I can be and my mum was truly happy. My dad also prepared a special present for her. It was a crystal vase, which she had long wanted to buy.
We were expecting some guests, so my mum decided to cook delicious meals. Her specialty is sweet-and-sour chicken and Olivier salad. She asked me to help her, so I did. If it wasn’t her birthday, I would have already been somewhere with my friends. We like walking at the nearest mall and going to the cinema, but that day I had to stay at home, which was somewhat boring. When the guests arrived, I understood that I was wrong. The evening was promising, as my mums’ co-workers came with their children. We decided to arrange a small party in my room. For that occasion my dad ordered two large pizzas and fruit juice. So the birthday wasn’t boring at all. On the contrary, we had lots of fun, played mafia, sang karaoke and danced to music. At the end of the day everybody was tired but happy.
Педаго́гика — наука о воспитании и обучении человека, прежде всего в детско-юношеском возрасте. Предмет педагогики — целостный педагогический процесс направленного развития и формирования личности в условиях её воспитания, обучения и образования.
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