1. There aren`t some special benches for the Government and the Opposition in the House of Lords. Are there some special benches for the Government and the Opposition in the House of Lords?
2. Somebody mustn`t be present as a witness when you sign your will. Must somebody be present as a witness when you sign your will?
3. Today’s newspapers didn`t publish something important about the changes in the judicial system of the USA. Did today’s newspapers publish something important about the changes in the judicial system of the USA?
1. В Палате Лордов существуют специальные скамьи для правительства и оппозиции.
2. Кто-либо должен присутствовать в качестве свидетеля при завещании вашей воли.
3. Сегодняшние газеты опубликовали что-то важное об изменениях в судебной системе США
1) Он разместит это письмо сейчас. Will he post this letter now? He won't post this letter now. 2) Мне нужно прикрепить марку на открытку. Shall i stick a stamp on the postcard? I shall not stick a stamp on the postcard. 3) Мне нужно освободится к 5. Shall i be free at 5 o'clock? I shall not be free at 5 o'clock. 4) Завтра он напишет свое ознакомление (???) Will he write to his acquaintance tomorrow? Tomorrow he won't write to his acquaintance. 6) Я приеду в Москву утром. Shall i arrive in Moscow in the morning? I shall not arrive in Moscow in the morning. 7) Она пообедает в 2. Will she have dinner at 2 o’clock? She won't have dinner at 2 o’clock. 8) Сегодня они будут дома Will they be at home today? They won't be at home today.
1) Мы пойдем как только я закончу работу 2) Если поезд поедет в 8 часов то они прибудут в Киев утром. 3) Как только он придет домой он начнет делать домашнее задание. 4) Если мы будем дома сегодня вечером то они придут повидаться с нами 5) Нам нужно купить билеты до прибытия поезда 6) Они поужинают как только их мать придет домой 7) Нам нужно слушать радио пока он не вернется 8) Я не буду обедать пока ты не придешь 9) Он пойдет туда если не будет занят 10) Я поеду в деревню завтра, если ты не приедешь ко мне
The extract is taken from “Sister Carrie” by Th. Dreiser, a well known American writer (1871—1945). Carrie, a young provincial girl, comes to Chicago and is greatly attracted by the pleasures the big city offers. Shopping is one of them. Drouet,1 her friend, is to meet her at the ready made clothes department. Carrie reached Dearborn Street. Here was the great Fair store
The extract is taken from “Sister Carrie” by Th. Dreiser, a well known American writer (1871—1945). Carrie, a young provincial girl, comes to Chicago and is greatly attracted by the pleasures the big city offers. Shopping is one of them. Drouet,1 her friend, is to meet her at the ready made clothes department. Carrie reached Dearborn Street. Here was the great Fair storewith its crowds of shoppers. She thought she would go in and see. She would look at the jackets.
The extract is taken from “Sister Carrie” by Th. Dreiser, a well known American writer (1871—1945). Carrie, a young provincial girl, comes to Chicago and is greatly attracted by the pleasures the big city offers. Shopping is one of them. Drouet,1 her friend, is to meet her at the ready made clothes department. Carrie reached Dearborn Street. Here was the great Fair storewith its crowds of shoppers. She thought she would go in and see. She would look at the jackets.She paused at each article of clothing. How pretty she would look in this, how charming that would make her! Carrie stopped at the jewellery department. She saw the ear rings, the bracelets,
The extract is taken from “Sister Carrie” by Th. Dreiser, a well known American writer (1871—1945). Carrie, a young provincial girl, comes to Chicago and is greatly attracted by the pleasures the big city offers. Shopping is one of them. Drouet,1 her friend, is to meet her at the ready made clothes department. Carrie reached Dearborn Street. Here was the great Fair storewith its crowds of shoppers. She thought she would go in and see. She would look at the jackets.She paused at each article of clothing. How pretty she would look in this, how charming that would make her! Carrie stopped at the jewellery department. She saw the ear rings, the bracelets,the pins, the chains. But the jackets were the greatest attraction. When she entered the store, she already had her heart fixed on a jacket with large mother of pearl buttons. The cut was all the fashion that fall.2 She said to herself there was nothing she would like better.
The extract is taken from “Sister Carrie” by Th. Dreiser, a well known American writer (1871—1945). Carrie, a young provincial girl, comes to Chicago and is greatly attracted by the pleasures the big city offers. Shopping is one of them. Drouet,1 her friend, is to meet her at the ready made clothes department. Carrie reached Dearborn Street. Here was the great Fair storewith its crowds of shoppers. She thought she would go in and see. She would look at the jackets.She paused at each article of clothing. How pretty she would look in this, how charming that would make her! Carrie stopped at the jewellery department. She saw the ear rings, the bracelets,the pins, the chains. But the jackets were the greatest attraction. When she entered the store, she already had her heart fixed on a jacket with large mother of pearl buttons. The cut was all the fashion that fall.2 She said to herself there was nothing she would like better.Here she saw Drouet who was coming up to her smiling. “Let’s go and look at the jackets,” he said as if he had read her thoughts. When Carrie got the jacket in her hand, it seemed so much
The extract is taken from “Sister Carrie” by Th. Dreiser, a well known American writer (1871—1945). Carrie, a young provincial girl, comes to Chicago and is greatly attracted by the pleasures the big city offers. Shopping is one of them. Drouet,1 her friend, is to meet her at the ready made clothes department. Carrie reached Dearborn Street. Here was the great Fair storewith its crowds of shoppers. She thought she would go in and see. She would look at the jackets.She paused at each article of clothing. How pretty she would look in this, how charming that would make her! Carrie stopped at the jewellery department. She saw the ear rings, the bracelets,the pins, the chains. But the jackets were the greatest attraction. When she entered the store, she already had her heart fixed on a jacket with large mother of pearl buttons. The cut was all the fashion that fall.2 She said to herself there was nothing she would like better.Here she saw Drouet who was coming up to her smiling. “Let’s go and look at the jackets,” he said as if he had read her thoughts. When Carrie got the jacket in her hand, it seemed so muchnicer.