Fish can swim,
a horse can run,
a bird can fly,
a chimp can climb trees,
a dog can play with you,
a mouse can squeak,
a dolphin can dive and it can play with a ball,
a kangaroo can jump,
an elephant can carry people and heavy things,
rabbits can eat carrots and cabbage, run and jump.
Рыба умеет плавать,
лошадь может бежать,
птица умеет летать,
шимпанзе может лазить по деревьям,
собака может играть с вами,
мышь может пищать,
дельфин может нырять и может играть с мячом,
кенгуру может прыгать,
слон может перевозить людей и тяжелые вещи,
Кролики могут есть морковь и капусту, бегать и прыгать.
A simple definition is that creativity is the ability to imagine or invent something new. to be creative you don't need to have an unusual talent. Everyone has substantial creative ability! Creativity is a way of thinking and being which can be expressed in many areas of life, for example, science, business, maths and cooking. We can all be creative in our own way.
You can see how creative children are. Creativity is the ability to accept change and newness, a willingness.
Although yong people can be impulsive but i think they are much more creative thinkers than adults.There is social pressure to conform and to be ordinary and not creative in modern society.