2. Syntax deals with the study of:
C. The regularities determining the combination of words and sentences
3. The definition of the grammatical category in which form and meaning are considered equally important is as follows:
B. The grammatical category is a unity of a grammatical form and grammatical meaning
6. The largest number of grammatical categories that a predicate verb-form can express in a sentence is:
B. Two
23. The following meanings are characteristic of the Continuous Aspect of the verb:
B. Progress, concreteness, incompletion
24. The English Common Aspect corresponds to:
A. The Russian Perfective Aspect
33. The subject of the English sentence can be:
В. Notional and formal
34. The main types of predicate in English are as follows:
Not sure if there's the right answer. Try checking these sources:
78. where
80. How much coffee. - с неисчисляемым существит.- How much.
81. How many bridges are . ? - с исчисляемые существительным
82. How many holidays are. ?
83. How many mangoes ...?
84. Did they play basketball yesterday? - past Simple ( yesterday)
85. How much milk did you ? -с неисчисляемым существ. milk
86. He went away on December 10th. - перед числом месяца - on
87. ...by the sea - возле моря.
88. Did he arrive here ...? Past Simple., вопрос: Did+подлежащее+ глагол сказуемое без окончаний
89. C- badly - behaved - плохого поведения.
90. He works hard because he wants money. - нужно по смыслу. Он упорно работает, потому что хочет денег.