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Роль спорта в нашей жизни
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Sport plays a big role in our life. Many people do sport in our country. They want to stay healthy. Sport is a good mean of struggling with stress.
In my opinion sport is important for healthy free time. Sport also makes people strong and prepares a lot of joy.
Some people participate in sports, others prefer watching them on TV. It is known that walking for an hour is healthier than irregular participation in any active physical activities. To keep fit some people join special classes or take part in aerobics or yoga, do some kind of training in a gym. Others play football, badminton, volleyball, tennis.
1. Smell doing stand shooting from 2008 rock. I think how the smell comes out
trenuvannya regularly, the stench can help you find the best result.
2. Tom is no longer a right athlete. Ale yogo coach is the head coach, who is guilty buv
compete for the highest result. First time Loan volume for the first time on international markets
3. Mabut Fortune left the team for rafting. Why do you think so? Tom does the stink
played two months.
4. T and mrіyala peremogti from zmagannyah zi skydiving from childhood! I think you need to take
the fate of tsyom vistupi.
In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
Mum hurried them up because she didn't want them to be late for school.
Kate forgot her homework.
Charlie forgot the sports kit.
Mum returned in the house because she forgot her bag.
She was very upsed and the look on her face showed her sad mood.
She said that they would never get to school.
Kate asked to turn on the radio.