1)The olympic game - very old tradition. 2)In ancient greece it was greek religion and sports event.
3)Alot of people come to Olympia to take part in this games. 4)I feel sure, that athletes competed in different nomination. 5)They ride on chariots , throw spears, fighting and make other things.6) Those man , who won the game became a hero of whole ancient world. 7) Now , the olympick game took part every 4 ears of olympiad cycle. 8) The first olympiad in new times was started in 1896. 9) The symbol of olympick games - are 5 crossing rings. 10) There are 2 types of games now : The winter games and The summer games. 11) Different countries fight for victory on stadion of Olympia. 12) But only 1 nation will become a champion and take all glory of olympick games
как то так , с временами напортачил и предлоги хромают . Но хоть что-то
1. does our institute train teachers? our institute doesn't train teachers. 2. did i enter university three years ago? i didn't enter university three years ago. 3. does she make good progress in english? she doesn't make good progress in english. 4. was moscow state teachers training institute founded in 1872? moscow state teachers training institute wasn't founded in 1872. 5. will they have seminars in history twice a week? they won't have seminars in history twice a week. 6. did she miss two lectures? she didn't miss two lectures. 7. do students take exams at the end of every term? students don't take exams at the end of every term. 8. did he fail in mathematics? he didn't fail in mathematics. 9. does she come from the north of our country? she doesn't come from the north of our country. 10. did she teach us french at school? she didn't teach us french at school.
Солнце садилось за холмами, когда я дошел до деревни, которая была всего в нескольких милях от моря. Рабочий день закончился, а жители были приходя домой с полей. По дороге два мальчика ехали коров и овец в направлении деревни. Я подошел к группе людей, стоящих возле дороги, и спросил их, если я мог бы найти место, в деревне ночевать. Старик сказал, что он мне. Он взял меня в свой маленький коттедж в дальнем конце улицы. Пылал огонь в печи, когда мы вошли в дом. Одна девушка лет восемнадцати, готовила ужин на кухне, в то время как две другие девушки по-прежнему было что-то делать в огороде возле дома. Старик пригласил меня поужинать с ними. Они все казались приятными людьми и у нас был дружеский разговор. После ужина мои " новые друзья, и я вышел в сад. Луна сияла высоко в небе, и ночь была теплой и красивой. Тот вечер был очень приятным, и я буду помнить это долго.
1)The olympic game - very old tradition. 2)In ancient greece it was greek religion and sports event.
3)Alot of people come to Olympia to take part in this games. 4)I feel sure, that athletes competed in different nomination. 5)They ride on chariots , throw spears, fighting and make other things.6) Those man , who won the game became a hero of whole ancient world. 7) Now , the olympick game took part every 4 ears of olympiad cycle. 8) The first olympiad in new times was started in 1896. 9) The symbol of olympick games - are 5 crossing rings. 10) There are 2 types of games now : The winter games and The summer games. 11) Different countries fight for victory on stadion of Olympia. 12) But only 1 nation will become a champion and take all glory of olympick games
как то так , с временами напортачил и предлоги хромают . Но хоть что-то