This is a story of a girl, who was my friend. She was born in the same town with me. At the age of 8 she became more interested in English language. Later she met John. John was an American guy with curly hair and shiny eyes. He helped her to learn English. Now she can speak English fluently. And she started to work as a translator in Parliament. Most of her friends say that she is very intelligent. She made perfect career. But it's not surprising that she found rich senator there and they started to live together. Finally they got married. This is how English can be useful.
Техникум Higner;Московском училище летчиков, летчик сертификат.Труд и вклад:- направленный дизайн, конструкцию, тестирование и запуск Ф "Восток", "Восход", "Союз" и космический аппарат;- опубликовал книгу "ракетный полет в stratosphera"(1934);- подготовил и принял участие в запуске первого спутника Земли ("спутник") в мир(октябрь 4,1957)- подготовлен первый пилотируемый космический полет в историей, когда Юрий Гагарин космический корабль облетел вокруг Земли и вернулся успешно(12 апреля 1961 года);- подготовили "Восход-2" полет космического корабля, когда А. Леонов совершил первый в истории выход в открытый космос(1965)Награды: звание "герой труда"(1956,1961), Ленинской премии (1957) и золотой медалью имени Циолковского.
Later she met John. John was an American guy with curly hair and shiny eyes. He helped her to learn English. Now she can speak English fluently.
And she started to work as a translator in Parliament. Most of her friends say that she is very intelligent. She made perfect career. But it's not surprising that she found rich senator there and they started to live together. Finally they got married. This is how English can be useful.