1. If you make anything illegal, you can get into trouble with the police.
2. If the police believe you have done something wrong, they will question you.
3. If they know for sure that you did something, you will be charged with the crime.
4. The police may know the person responsible, but it can be hard to prove it in court.
5. Defendants have to prove that they are not guilty.
6. Before they decide, the jury have to listen to all the witnesses.
7. Ar the end of the trial, they decide if the person is innocent or not.
Hello my dear friend, of course I would recommend you to visit Russia in winter time, I know it’s very cold here, but other wise you could never understand the full beauty of our country . I like to go skiing with my friends. You can actually go ice skating in the Kremlin place. It’s very beautiful there ,this time of the year. I hope you’ll come one day, you definitely should try our winter fishing . We have also delicious traditional food like : blini , borsh, pelmeni and many other dishes that you probably would love. Our country has everything, mountains , lakes the nature is beautiful here and the people are very friendly . We like different cultures and we know a lot about other countries and nationalities, so you would be very wellcomed here. All the best and I hope I convinced you to visit my homeland Russia!