Перевод: мне нравится работа пожарных. они людей и животных. Тем самым хоть чуть-чуть делают мир лучше. я их очень уважаю потому-что это очен сложная работа,им приходится не сладко но все же их работа вознаграждается похвалой и хорошой зарплатой. пожарный- очень сложная и опасная работа, почти самая опасная в мире , велик шанс травм и увечей. из-за этого не всех берут на эту работу, только физически подгатовленных
англ версия: I like the work of firefighters. they save people and animals. Thus, at least slightly make the world better. I respect them very much because it is very difficult work, they do not have to be sweet, but still their work is rewarded with praise and a good salary. firefighter is a very difficult and dangerous job, almost the most dangerous in the world, there is a great chance of injuries and injuries. because of this, not all are recruited for this job, only physically prepared
Dave is living in Glasgow and works for an advertising company. He has a good job and earns a lot of money.He meets many people every day and leads a busy life. The company expands rapidly and today he is seeing a new client. John and Anna fly to Paris on Monday for a holiday.Their flight takes off at 7.10 in the morning and arrives in Paris at 8.10. Anna’s cousin owns a house there, so they are staying with him. My neighbour is banging on the walls of his flat when he does repairs. This week he is installing a new bath, and the noise drives me crazy. He doesn't seem to care about the way he bothers other people. Tom is an athlete. Every morning he swims ten laps in the pool and lifts weights for an hour. This year he is training harder because he wants to compete in the next Olympic Games.
англ версия: I like the work of firefighters. they save people and animals. Thus, at least slightly make the world better. I respect them very much because it is very difficult work, they do not have to be sweet, but still their work is rewarded with praise and a good salary. firefighter is a very difficult and dangerous job, almost the most dangerous in the world, there is a great chance of injuries and injuries. because of this, not all are recruited for this job, only physically prepared