1. The young man forced himself to make a remark.
2. I don’t eat bread because I’m afraid of getting fat.
3. I’m not very keen on acting any more. 4. He loved to act, but his physique prevented him from playing any but a few parts, which was fortunate, for he was a bad actor.
5. He was eager to get on and seemed determined not to let any entanglement interfere with his career.
6. This did not prevent Julia from falling madly in love with him.
7. I’ve lived in the theatre since I was a kid just out of a board school, and what I don’t know about acting isn’t worth knowing.
8. Do you think I’m going to work my guts out to make you give a few decent performances and…
9. She liked him for counting the pennies, and, inclined to be extravagant herself and always a week or two behind with her rent, she admired him because he hated being in debt and even with the small salary he was getting managed to save up a little every week.
10. It was bound to lead to trouble. 11. She insists on playing with him…
12. … She was so touched that he should give her anything that she could not help crying
13. I don’t believe one could hope to make) a success in London unless one were pretty well known already.
14. Of course if one did that, one ought to make a point of acting together so that the public got accustomed to seeing the two names on the small bill.
15. … And I wouldn’t mind making an exception in your favour if it would amuse you to come.
2. Самый шумный музей мира.?Хабаровский краевой музей имени Гродекова стал первым, сообщившим об этом на государственном уровне! Призрак живет здесь вот уже скоро 120 лет! ( Khabarovsk Regional Museum of Grodekov was the first to report it at the state level! Ghost living here for nearly 120 years!)
3.Кто из известных писателей жили и работали в Эдинбурге? в Эдинбурге жили и работали многие выдающиеся ученые и философы того времени. Вальтер Скотт, Чарльз Дарвин.( Edinburgh lived and worked many eminent scientists and philosophers of the time. Walter Scott, Charles Darwin. )
4.Кто писал рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе? Sherlock Holmes stories wrote by Arthur Conan Doyle
5.Какое лучшее место, чтобы ходить по магазинам в Эдинбург? This is Princess street.
6. Где можно увидеть самую большую коллекцию животных в Шотландии? Музей Кельвингроув в Глазго.(Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow)