Ну можно и приукрасить) My summer was pretty interesting and instructive. I was walking with friends. I read interesting books. We played various interesting games with friends, it was fun with them. In general, I am pleased this summer, there were many new acquaintances. We all had fun! And I think this is the main thing. перевод: Моё лето было довольно-таки интересным и поучительным. Я гулял с друзьями. Прочитал интересные книги. С друзьями играли в разные интересные игры, с ними было весело. В целом, я доволен этим летом, было много новых знакомств. Нам всем было весело! И я считаю, что это главное.
Образуйте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму Passive Tense.
1. A: Can I take a photo of the statue, please?
B: I’m afraid not, sir. Cameras …… (not/allow) in the museum.
2. A: Has your new fridge arrived?
B: No, it ….. (not/deliver) yet.
3. A: When …… (Pete/promote) to Managing Director?
B: Last week.
4. A: What’s going on over there? B: Oh, a new house ……. (build).
5. A: Why are you so afraid of bees?
B: Because I ……. (sting) by a bee when I was a little boy.
6. A: When will you finish your project? B: It ….. (must/finish) by tomorrow morning.
7. A: Who ……. (The Day the Earth Stood Still/direct) by? B: Scott Derrickson.
8. A: Are you driving to work today? B: No. My car …… (not/repair) yet.
C Заполните пропуски словами said или told
9. He …… me to meet him outside the cinema.
10. Tom….. that he wanted to take up a new hobby.
11. “ I’ll see you tomorrow, ’’Sharon …… Steve.
12. Phil ….. to me that he had sprained his ankle while playing football.
13. “I’m feeling much better today,” ….. Linda.
14. “Stop laughing at me!” Mark …… to Peter.
D Образуйте предложения в косвенную речь используя необходимые глаголы.
e.g. “Don’t forget to buy some milk on your way back home,” Mum said to Martin.
► Mum reminded Martin to buy some milk on his way back home.
15. “Yes, I broke your mobile,” Claire said to Adam.
16. “Of course I won’t give away your secret,” Diana told Louise.
17. “You should see a doctor," Martin told David.
18. “Stop talking or I’ll punish you,” the teacher told Sam.
E Сопоставьте части предложения используя question tags.
19. She is our new maths teacher, a isn’t it?
20. Open the window, b shall we?
21. Let’s go to the cinema tonight, c is she?
22. Julie is never late for work, d didn’t he?
23. This is your mobile, e isn’t she?
24. Adam bought a new laptop yesterday, f will you