I have to do the dusting. - Я должен вытирать пыль.
I have to make the bed. - Я должен заправлять постель.
I have to load and unload the dishwasher. - Я должен загружать и разгружать посудомойку.
I have to iron my clothes. - Я должен гладить свои вещи.
I have to clean my room. - Я должен убирать свою комнату.
I don’t have to cook food for the family. - Я не должен готовить еду для семьи.
I don’t have to set the table. - Я не должен накрывать на стол.
I don’t have to wash my clothes. - Я не должен стирать свою одежду.
I don’t have to go grocery shopping. - Я не должен ходить за продуктами.
I don’t have to wash the refrigerator. - Я не должен мыть холодильник.
2) Swimming is a good sport that makes people strong
3) You can buy a weekly travel cart which is cheaper
4) Thats the platform where you catch the train to Liverpool
5) Shes the woman whose luggage was lost
6) Is he the man who missed his flight
7) We saw Richard who wants to go out with me
8) They went to London where John lives