om India.
2. Diwali is a family holiday. It's called The Festival of Lights. This is a celebration of the victory of the “good” over the “bad” with the help of special lights or “diyas” and candles.
3. a) It is not only celebrated in India. Other countries with Hindus also celebrate it, for example, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore and parts of Europe
b) They usually celebrate Diwali in October or November at the start of the Hindu New Year
c) It's an international festival, but India's got a bigger Hindu population than any other country, so it's very important there
d) (2 номер одинаков) Diwali is a family holiday. It's called The Festival of Lights. This is a celebration of the victory of the “good” over the “bad” with the help of special lights or “diyas” and candles.
Артикль "a" употребляется когда слово начинается на согласную и стоит в единственном числе.
Артикль "an" употребляется когда слово начинается на гласную и стоит в множественном числе.
This употребляется когда предмет в единственном числе и находится близко к нам.
These употребляется когда предмет единственного числа стоит близко к нам.
That употребляется когда предмет в единственном числе находится далеко от нас.
Thoseупотребляется когда предмет во множественном числе находится далеко от нас.
1. It's a purse
2. They're pens
3. It's a diary
4. It's an umbrella
5. They're stamps
6. They're keys
7. It's an identity card
8. It's a pencil
1 -s; 2 -es; 3 -ies
Pencil - 1
City - 3
Coin - 1
Ticket - 1
Diary - 3
Watch -2
Window - 1
Address - 2
Sandwich - 2
Country - 3
Class - 2
Dictionary -3
1. That's a French newspaper.
2. This watch is Swiss.
3. Those are my headphones!
4. That book is good.
5. There are your kays.