1. am studying
2. is spraining
3. are you? - have been waiting
4. usually washes
5. are playing
6. look
7. have seen
8. does the library open
9. have never travelled
10. has been raining
11. does Vicky do? - works
12. is Rick wearing - is performing
13. usually walk - gives
14. has grown
15. Has Laura ever acted - has
16. Are they visiting
17. bakes - is making
18. has been exersizing - looks
19. use
20. have not got - am not working
21. has been learning - speaks
22. is blowing
23. have been living
24. do you keep
25. has been typing - has already typed
26. has lost
27. is dancing
28. does clean - do
1.вставте нужное слово because,cry,let,agree,idea.
e) Let me help you.
f) I agree winth you.That's a good idea
g) I must go to bed now because school starts at 8 a.m.
h) Don't cry , Alice! We are with you.
2 подчеркните правильный вариант
a) A sleepover is a NIGHT excursion.
b) Children bring their sleeping bags and SNACKS.
c) The Natural History Museum has the best (тут что-то пропущено).
3 вставте нужный предлог to,for,at,up,with.
f) Museums organize sleepovers for fun.
g) I want to go to the Natural History Museum.
h) Who comes at night?
i) In the morning we wake up and see dinosaurs next to us.
j) I don't agree with you
4 вставте нужное местоимение him,her,us,then
a) Let him do his homework.
b) Let them help their friends
c) Let us read our books
d)Let her make her bad.
5 Переведите предложения
He can't sing,because he doesn't know this song. - Он не может петь, потому что он не знает эту песню.
I cannot open the door, because I haven't got the keys. - Я не могу открыть дверь, потому что у меня нет ключей.