Образование предложений разного типа во всех временах происходит без использования дополнительных средств (вс глаголы), а только через смену порядка слов.
В примерах будут использоваться только те времена, которые были объяснены в предыдущих уроках и темах.
Отрицательные предложения
Действительный залог / Active VoiceСтрадательный залог / Passive VoicePresent IndefiniteHe gives piano lessonsPiano lessons are not givenPast IndefiniteHe gave piano lessonsPiano lessons were not givenFuture IndefiniteHe will give piano lessonsPiano lessons will not be givenPresent ContinuousHe is giving piano lessonsPiano lessons are not being givenPast ContinuousHe was giving piano lessonsPiano lessons were not being givenPresent PerfectHe has given piano lessonsPiano lessons have not been given
Отрицательная частица not в страдательных залогах не утрачивает образовывать краткие формы с глаголами.
I am afraid the keys won't be found tomorrow. We weren't called to the party.
Вопросительные предложения
В страдательном залоге времен Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Continuous на первое место (в общих вопросах) и на второе (в специальных вопросах) выносится форма глагола to be.
Действительный залог / Active VoiceСтрадательный залог / Passive VoicePresent IndefiniteDo you play music in this bar every night?Is music played in this bar every night?Past IndefiniteDid you take your son from school yesterday?Was your son taken from school by you?Present ContinuousIs she making a special dinner?Is a special dinner being made by her?Past ContinuousWere strange people following him?Was he being followed by strange people?
Страдательный залог в некоторых случаях выглядит несколько странно (и в английском и в русском вариантах). Поэтому в таких случаях лучше использовать залог действительный.
Is a special dinner being made by her? - Особенный ужин сейчас делается ею?
Лучше заменить на:
Is she making a special dinner?
В остальных временах (группы Perfect и Indefinite) на первое место (в общих вопросах) и на второе (в специальных) выносится вс глагол have/has или shall/will.
Действительный залог / Active VoiceСтрадательный залог / Passive VoiceFuture IndefiniteWill you drive me home?Will I be driven home?Present PerfectHas he already fixed his car?Has his car already been fixed?
Специальные вопросы
Действительный залог / Active VoiceСтрадательный залог / Passive VoicePresent IndefiniteWhat does she usually do after work?What is usually done by her after work?Past ContinuousWhat were you playing on the piano when I came?What was being played on the piano by you when I came?Future IndefiniteHow will you name your cat?How will your cat be named?Present PerfectWhy has he broken the door?Why the door has been broken by him?
To begin with I'd like to say that the problem of stray animals is a large one in our society. More than that, it is an evidence of some troubles in human minds. We are responsible for those whom we have tamed, especially when somebody needs to be protected. For example,you can take a stray animal at home. But there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of this action. it can be dangerous. Unvaccinated stray animals can be a reason of spread infections and parasites. Besides, stray animals are the animals of the streets and their behaviour is unexpected. But, if you take a stray animal it will be a good chance to get a true faithful companion. The dog or cat will be thankful all their live for your gift presented as a chance to live. Your care and love will raise a friend who will please you every day, because someday you have given a little bit food,shelter and protect. By the way, i believe that the best solution is to create animal shelters because i cant take every sray animal at home. More than that we need to connect our efforts for realization a big project to help homeless animals. Nowadays, we can mention an active social activity in social sites where people are ready to change injustice with our little friends. And it is certainly a huge step.
В примерах будут использоваться только те времена, которые были объяснены в предыдущих уроках и темах.
Отрицательные предложения
Действительный залог / Active VoiceСтрадательный залог / Passive VoicePresent IndefiniteHe gives piano lessonsPiano lessons are not givenPast IndefiniteHe gave piano lessonsPiano lessons were not givenFuture IndefiniteHe will give piano lessonsPiano lessons will not be givenPresent ContinuousHe is giving piano lessonsPiano lessons are not being givenPast ContinuousHe was giving piano lessonsPiano lessons were not being givenPresent PerfectHe has given piano lessonsPiano lessons have not been given
Отрицательная частица not в страдательных залогах не утрачивает образовывать краткие формы с глаголами.
I am afraid the keys won't be found tomorrow.
We weren't called to the party.
Вопросительные предложения
В страдательном залоге времен Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Continuous на первое место (в общих вопросах) и на второе (в специальных вопросах) выносится форма глагола to be.
Действительный залог / Active VoiceСтрадательный залог / Passive VoicePresent IndefiniteDo you play music in this bar every night?Is music played in this bar every night?Past IndefiniteDid you take your son from school yesterday?Was your son taken from school by you?Present ContinuousIs she making a special dinner?Is a special dinner being made by her?Past ContinuousWere strange people following him?Was he being followed by strange people?
Страдательный залог в некоторых случаях выглядит несколько странно (и в английском и в русском вариантах). Поэтому в таких случаях лучше использовать залог действительный.
Is a special dinner being made by her? - Особенный ужин сейчас делается ею?
Лучше заменить на:
Is she making a special dinner?
В остальных временах (группы Perfect и Indefinite) на первое место (в общих вопросах) и на второе (в специальных) выносится вс глагол have/has или shall/will.
Действительный залог / Active VoiceСтрадательный залог / Passive VoiceFuture IndefiniteWill you drive me home?Will I be driven home?Present PerfectHas he already fixed his car?Has his car already been fixed?
Специальные вопросы
Действительный залог / Active VoiceСтрадательный залог / Passive VoicePresent IndefiniteWhat does she usually do after work?What is usually done by her after work?Past ContinuousWhat were you playing on the piano when I came?What was being played on the piano by you when I came?Future IndefiniteHow will you name your cat?How will your cat be named?Present PerfectWhy has he broken the door?Why the door has been broken by him?