(I) 1. When writing (обстоятельство) a telegram he must use as few words as possible. Когда мы пишем телеграмму, мы должны использовать как можно меньше слов. 2. The leaves lying (определение) on the ground reminded us of autumn. Листья, лежащие, (=которые лежат) на земле, напоминают нам об осени. 3. Having (обстоятельство) plenty of time we decided to walk to the station. Так как у нас было много времени, мы решили пойти на станцию пешком. 4. The rising (определение) sun was hidden by the clouds. Восходящее солнце было скрыто облаками. 5. When I entered the room, I gave the letter to the woman sitting (определение) at the window. Когда я зашел в комнату, я отдал письмо женщине, сидевшей (=которая сидела) у окна.
(II) 1. A broken (определение) cup was lying at the table. Разбитая чашка лежала на столе. 2. All books taken (определение) from the library must be returned (часть сказуемого) next week. Все книги, взятые в библиотеке необходимо вернуть на следующей неделе. 3. Many discoveries made (определение) by Russian chemists in the field of biology form the new conception of matter and will help in creating materials unknown (определение) in nature. Многие открытия, сделанные русскими химиками в области биологии, формируют новую концепцию материи и в создании материалов, неизвестных в природе. 4. Asked (обстоятельство) whether he intended to return soon, he replied that he would be away for about three months. Отвечая на вопрос (=когда его спросили), намерен ли он вернуться в ближайшее время, он ответил, что будет отсутствовать в течение примерно трех месяцев. 5. The firm is interested in the purchase of automobiles produced (определение) by our plants. Компания заинтересована в покупке автомобилей, выпущенных на наших заводах.
Sally said that she was planning to go to Kenya. little Antony said that he took his little sister to school every day. Nonna said that I might take her textbook Nick said that they were playing in the gym then. Mary said that she didn't like chocolate Helen said that her sister was ready to go. the girl said that her mother usually went shopping on Saturday. the teacher said that the birds built their nests among trees. Jimmy said that he was not married. Petra said that she couldn't read those books. she didn't like them.
1. already reached
8.didnt study
12.didnt see
14. forgot
15.never visited
16. took
19. payed