64% of the electricity we need comes from burning fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal. These resources pollute and are not renewable, so once we have burned them all up, there will be no more. This means that the world MUST find and use alternative sources of energy … FAST! This alternative energy needs to use no fuel and create no waste or pollution. 64% электричества, которое нам необходимо, получается от сжигания ископаемого топлива, такого как нефть, газ и уголь. Эти ресурсы загрязняют экологию и не возобновляются, поэтому однажды мы сожжем их все, и их больше не останется. Это значит, что мир должен найти и использовать альтернативные источники энергии … БЫСТРО! Эта альтернативная энергия не должна использовать никакое топливо, не давать отходов и не производить
Here are some words from the text you are about to listen to
Read their definitions. Then complete each sentence below.
1) We decided to become Emir the captain of our team.
2) you can't tear it off
your children from the realities of life.
3) He can
his small garden.
4) Thanks to the good weather, we were able to read
all cultures
per day.
5) We had a eating record
grapes this year.
6) Bubusara Beishenalieva was slim
7) She was given
prize for both films.
8) He was dancing
and lived with his uncle.
9) Crops are grown in field plots.