Сестры Рэндольф, Сэди и Эстер, живут в квартале(через квартал ) друг от друга. Сэди постоянно жалуется, что люди в городе замкнуты(неотзывчивы)и недружелюбны,в то время как Эстер характеризует их дружелюбными и приятным. Хотя Сэди не признает этого, но разница заключается в подходе (в восприятии)к этим людям. У Сэди и ее мужа есть прекрасный дом. Он наполнен красивой антикварной мебелью и хрустальной посудой, которая настолько хрупкая,что легко может быть разбита небрежным(невнимательным)гостем или любознательным ребёнком . Всякий раз, когда кто-то приходит в гости, Сэди и ее муж постоянно «напрягаются»(стоят начеку) Их поведение указывает, что они больше заботятся("пекутся") о виде их дома, чем о комфорте(удобстве) своих гостей. В итоге, их нервные гости ведут себя с чрезмерной осторожностью — и стараются уйти из этого дома как можно скорее. В противоположность этому дому,дом Эстер несимпатичный. На самом деле,его можно охарактеризовать как потрепанный. Но она и ее муж относятся к гостям расслабленно и доброжелательно,гостям не нужно беспокоиться о неприятном случае, который может возникнуть с дорогой мебелью или вазой. Дом Эстер это место,куда люди могут забежать в гости, положить ноги на журнальный столик и чувствовать себя как дома.
Esther's house appeals to me,because it looks like mine. I would drop in Esther's house,because I would feel there like at home. I would feel at in Esther's house,because it is cozy. I don't like such hosts. I would call Esther's house lovely. I would call Esther's house shabby. It means comfortable place where my nearest and dearest live.
between Sadie, her husband and their guests Sadie-be careful with this vase,please! Husband-it is very expensive. Guest-oh,sorry.I didn't mean to break it-)))
between Esther, her husband and their guests. Esther-Come and feel yourself at home! Guest-thanks Husband-why not drink a cup of tea? Guest-With pleasure Esther-Ok,I'll make it-)
I always wear denim (1) jeans everywhere I go. My favourite pair is quite (2) baggy - I don’t like things that fit. They’ve got big (3)pockets , which are usually full of stuff. Because they’re a bit big I wear a large leather (4) belt to hold them up. It’s got a big (5) buckle. I always wear a (6) T-shirt - I like plain ones and I usually wear a (7) sweatshirt over the top. My favourite one has a big (8) hood. And on my feet I always wear (9) trainers with striped (10) laces. So that’s my favourite outfit. 1. He (will go) to the theatre tomorrow. 2. We always (goes) to school in the morning. 3. Kate (did not go) to school yesterday. 4. Will you (help) your mother tomorrow? 5. I (did not play) the guitar yesterday. 6. My brother (plays) the guitar every evening. 7. They (will not take) care of the garden next summer. 8. Do you (like) apples? 9. Will you (eat) apples tomorrow? 10. Nick (reads) many books. 11. Mother (works) every day. 12. He (did not sleep) well yesterday. 13. Wil your brother ( go) to the exhibition next Sunday? 14. We (shall not go) to the zoo tomorrow. 15. I (learnt) the poem last Sunday.
Esther's house appeals to me,because it looks like mine.
I would drop in Esther's house,because I would feel there like at home.
I would feel at in Esther's house,because it is cozy.
I don't like such hosts.
I would call Esther's house lovely.
I would call Esther's house shabby.
It means comfortable place where my nearest and dearest live.
between Sadie, her husband and their guests
Sadie-be careful with this vase,please!
Husband-it is very expensive.
Guest-oh,sorry.I didn't mean to break it-)))
between Esther, her husband and their guests.
Esther-Come and feel yourself at home!
Husband-why not drink a cup of tea?
Guest-With pleasure
Esther-Ok,I'll make it-)