1. The more interesting the book, the faster you read it. 2. Only a highly skilled worker can operate this machine. 3. I was deeply moved by his interest in my article. 4. Look me straight in the eye. 5. This year we collected three times more apples than in the past. 6. He ran very fast and could barely breathe. 7. The woman sighed heavily. 8. We returned home very late. 9. All these events are closely related. 10. We live very close to the subway. 11. We'll be back late tomorrow, so let's go far. 12. The plane flies high in the sky, it was barely noticeable.
Я немного исправила. Меня зовут Алина.Я учусь в 3 классе школе номер 4.У меня большая семья.Мою маму зовут Лена. Папу зовут Рома.У меня есть двоюродныйбрат и сестра. Есть тётя и дядя. Конечно у меня есть любимые бабушка и дедушка. Мы очень дружная семья. My name is Alina. I'm in 3rd grade school number 4. I have a big family. My mother's name is Lena. Pope called Roma. I have a cousinbrother and sister. There aunt and uncle. Of course I have a favorite grandparents. We are very close-knit family.
2. Only a highly skilled worker can operate this machine.
3. I was deeply moved by his interest in my article.
4. Look me straight in the eye.
5. This year we collected three times more apples than in the past.
6. He ran very fast and could barely breathe.
7. The woman sighed heavily.
8. We returned home very late.
9. All these events are closely related.
10. We live very close to the subway.
11. We'll be back late tomorrow, so let's go far.
12. The plane flies high in the sky, it was barely noticeable.