1 Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere.
2 The Pacific and the Indian Ocean wash the continent.
3 The three Australian deserts are called the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Gibson Desert.
4 The Northern Territory is the least populated and least developed part of Australia.
5 Australia is divided into six states and two territories.
6 They are:New South Wales,Victoria,Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania,the Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory.
7 New South Wales is Australia's leading industrial state.
8 Victoria,Tasmania and Queensland are the states where fruit, wheat and potatoes are grown.
9 People from the south of the country often spend holidays in the northeast of Australia because Queensland has long beautiful sandy beaches.
10 The capital of Australia is Canberra.It is situated on the Australian Capital Territory.It doesn't belong to any state.
Город Владивосток очень красивый. В нём есть много достопримечательностей. Вот например "Золотой рог", "Русский мост", "Шамура", "Лазурная" и другие достопримечательности.
The city of Vladivostok is very beautiful. It has many attractions. For example, the "Golden Horn", "Russian Bridge", "Shamura", "Azure" and other attractions.
Объяснение:Приморский край очень большой . В нём есть много красивых достопримечательностей. Например "Памятник вертолёт Ми-24","Монумент скорбящая мать","Памятник Муровьёву-Амурской" и многие другие достопримечательности.
Primorsky Territory is very large. It has many beautiful sights. For example, “Monument to the Mi-24 helicopter”, “Monument to the grieving mother”, “Monument to Muroviev-Amurskaya” and many other attractions.
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