I. When people (1) disagree with each other, they may have conflicts. Conflicts happen when people have different ideas or (2) values. It is not always possible to (3) prevent conflicts. But we can (4) resolve conflicts by (5) peaceful means means.
II. They don’t get along with each other. It took him many years to get over the death of his parents. I won’t be able to get away from the office before seven. I don’t want to put up with a society that supports smokers. What time did you get back last time?
III. provide - to offer (food, drink, etc.) support - to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money discovery - finding or learning something confident - a feeling that one can rely on oneself criticize - to indicate the faults of something
IV. 1. My freind said to watch this film. 2. Sasha said to tune in the radio at 7 o'clock the next day. 3. The doctor advised Nick to not eat fat food oane month. 4. The librarian said to Tanya to listen to that story on the radio. 5. My elder sister said to me to not go to that concert.
1) Они были круглыми зданиями, открыты ми к небу посредине. Не было никаких огней или ламп, и они показывали свои пьесы днем. Актеры ( только мужчины и мальчики) выступали где не было пейзажами. Большая часть прослушивали стоя, чтобы посмотреть игру за капейки 2) Не было никаких огней или ламп, и онипоказывали свои пьесы днем. 3) Затем они построили театр всего за 28 дней и назвали его "Глобусом". 4)В 1598 году на южном береге Темзы. 5) Собственно, в1613 году во время спектакля "Глобус" загорелся, который разрушился. 6) Во всяком случае, это случилось после того как Уильям Шекспир покинул Лондон в Страфорде где прожил последние годы своей жизни и умер в 1619 году 23 апреля в день рождения. 7) За свою жизнь он написал 37 пьес написал несколько более длиных стихотворений и 154 сонеты. 8) Даже в наши дни люди учат наизусть и повторют строки из пьес Великого писателя не менее популярные.
When people (1) disagree with each other, they may have conflicts. Conflicts happen when people have different ideas or (2) values. It is not always possible to (3) prevent conflicts. But we can (4) resolve conflicts by (5) peaceful means means.
They don’t get along with each other.
It took him many years to get over the death of his parents.
I won’t be able to get away from the office before seven.
I don’t want to put up with a society that supports smokers.
What time did you get back last time?
provide - to offer (food, drink, etc.)
support - to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money
discovery - finding or learning something
confident - a feeling that one can rely on oneself
criticize - to indicate the faults of something
1. My freind said to watch this film.
2. Sasha said to tune in the radio at 7 o'clock the next day.
3. The doctor advised Nick to not eat fat food oane month.
4. The librarian said to Tanya to listen to that story on the radio.
5. My elder sister said to me to not go to that concert.