Japanese inventor Satoshi Tajiri 1) created Pokemon, or pocket monsters, in 1995. By 1999, children 2) were asking their parents for Pokemon games all over the world, and the Pokemon company 3) used to sell thousands of games every day! Many crazes stop being popular quite quickly, but this 4) didn’t happen with Pokemon. When the company 5) celebrated its tenth anniversary, millions of people 6) were still buying Pokemon computer games, cards and toys. Today, it is one of the most successful game companies in the world.
Краткое объяснение по использованным в тексте выражениям времени:
1. Past Simple — Действие произошло однократно в или повторялось определенное количество раз, известно конкретное время или точное количество повторений.
2. Used to — употребляется для обозначения привычных действий и состояний в а также действий, которые были регулярными в зачастую в противовес настоящему времени ( т.е. в настоящем времени ситуация уже иная). Точное время не известно, есть только указание на период тогда, в детстве, когда я был маленьким и т.п.
3. Past Continuous - употребляется когда речь идет о действии, длившимся определенный период времени в что вытекает из контекста.
Read the following sentences. Then transform into yes/no questions. Finally answer each question in affirmative and negative.
a) He loves to play basketball.
Y/N QUESTION Does he love to play basketball?
AFIRMATIVE Yes, he does.
NEGATIVE No, he doesn't.
b) He goes to school.
Y/N QUESTION Does he go to school?
AFIRMATIVE Yes, he does.
NEGATIVE No, he doesn't.
c) She writes an e-mail to her best friend.
Y/N QUESTION Does she write an e-mail to her best friend?
AFIRMATIVE Yes, she does.
NEGATIVE No, she doesn't.
d) He thinks he is very handsome?
Y/N QUESTION Does he think he is very handsome
AFIRMATIVE Yes, he does.
NEGATIVE No, he doesn't.
e) It usually rains every day here.
Y/N QUESTION Does it usually rain every day here?
AFIRMATIVE Yes, it does.
NEGATIVE No, it doesn't.